Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Even better than Die Welle is the movie Look Who's Back [Er ist Wieder Da] mainly because it is also a very good black comedy. One particular scene involving a dog, about 40 minutes in, is worthy of Chris Morris.

The basic premise is that Hitler does not die in his bunker at the end of WW2. Instead, he wakes up in 2014. After getting his bearings he is discovered by an unemployed TV producer, Fabian Sawatzki. Sawatzki thinks Hitler is some sort of performance artist and takes him around the country, talking to the general population, for a TV piece he has envisaged. Hitler, however, sees this as a chance to regain his popularity and power.

What is remarkable about this film is that it is only partly acted. The film deliberately set out to see how ordinary Germans would react to the presence of a resurrected Hitler in their midst. And the results were disturbing, as well as amusing. Perhaps the nearest point of reference would be Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat and Ali G.

See here for more on that:

"The casting process included having to cold-call the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, pretending to be Hitler asking for tickets to a Wagner opera, as well as reciting one of his speeches."

Although the movie was well-received, it did not receive much of a cinema release over here as far as I know. Fortunately, it can be viewed in its entirety with English subtitles on YouTube:

He never mentioned the holocaust!! Christ some rearranging of the facts going on in this thread now.
While you're correct he never mentioned the Holocaust, absolutely everyone knows if you reference political speech in 1930s Germany a association will be made with the Nazis and their actions.
Now he's either a fool who didn't realize this,or he knew full well how it would be received and said it anyway.
As far as I can tell, Lineker was cautioning us against the slippery slope that was described in Philip Zimbardo’s seminal book The Lucifer Effect and the chilling documentary Five Steps to Tyranny:

The well-known brown eyed, blue eyed people class experiment shown at the beginning is particularly salient.

Of course, it is not inevitable that such trajectories will always be followed. For example, smoking cannabis does not automatically entail that whoever does so is fated to become a heroin addict.

Such cautionary arguments also show up in debates about abortion and euthanasia. But again, it is not a foregone conclusion that women will eventually seek to terminate a pregnancy for the most trivial of reasons, or that doctor-assisted suicide will come to be sanctioned for eminently treatable health issues. In fact, the evidence tends to suggest quite the opposite.

Nevertheless, the examples cited in the documentary (Rwanda, Palestine, the former Yugoslavia) show that this can happen, that descents to the bottom of the slope that end in genocide have repeatedly occurred. This is because we are are a tribalistic species who divide the world into ‘us’ and ‘them’, and the empathy that we feel towards others only tends to be extended to those who we identify with in some way. Populists are especially good at exploiting these tendencies.

Plus, we are more conformist and obedient to authority, and more willing to harm others than many of us realise, as demonstrated by the famous Milgram study and the Stanford Prison experiment (which are both depicted and discussed) in the documentary.

And so while it could be argued that what Lineker said might not be historically accurate, his tweet is certainly supported by the aforementioned research in social psychology and by the horrendous real world examples that are highlighted in the video.

What a fascinating documentary, if a little scary.
Where has he referenced the holocaust? It would, of course, have been nonsense if he had because it is not remotely the same thing. He said the language being used was similar to the tone of that which was used in Germany pre-holocaust. It's really key to understand that the holocaust and those atrocities that the Nazi's committed did not happen over night. They were built up over time with brain washing and de-humanising of certain elements of society, ultimately targeting the Jewish communities to the extreme. There is nowhere that GL has compared it to the holocaust, but it is very important to understand what is going on with the way these cunts use the same words, repeatedly, and people begin to believe them unequivocally. It is important to get the views of the Jewish people on this, but they are quite clearly mis-interpreting what he is insinuating and i think Gary should be clear on that.

Here is a tweet from a German professor who specialises in migration:

It's funny isn't it, how when actual holocaust survivor Joan Salter told Braverman her rhetoric was reminiscent of 1930's Germany no one went crazy. No one said she was bringing up the holocaust (because she didn't). No one trying to sell a book said "Shame on you!".

Incidentally, this same woman who thinks Lineker mentioning 1930's Germany is out of line had no problem linking Jeremy Corbyn to the holocaust...

While you're correct he never mentioned the Holocaust, absolutely everyone knows if you reference political speech in 1930s Germany a association will be made with the Nazis and their actions.
Now he's either a fool who didn't realize this,or he knew full well how it would be received and said it anyway.

It's very convenient for the ERG and Tories to pretend he brought up the holocaust, or was referring to it, because it mean no one can ever warn about the descent into fascism because it's not reached the stage of genocide yet.
Is the UNHCR part of his populist followers?
If they believe his populist pronouncements then Yes. Look, Lineker is a social media influencer who aims to please his followers (virtually calling the tories Nazis seems to have given those followers a big hard on, no?) but if he talks utter garbage then he needs calling out otherwise people would believe him and that is dangerous. Is there a bit of truth in what he says, yes, but there is a little bit of truth in what covid vaccine deniers believe, or climate deniers believe. Basically there is not enough truth in what he says to merit the saying. It's manipulation.

The protests about what he said are pure obfuscation, they are a smokescreen for fundamental economic and social failings. This is standard practice, and all part of government culture war strategy. They want that, so the nation turns on each other and they build a wall of excuses for their failings - it's the wokes, the lefty lawyers, the civil servants, the French and the snowflakes, not their 'destined to fail' new bill that they ABSOLUTELY KNOW is in breach of international law.

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