Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Look let's pull back from the despair.
What started as questions over whether Lineker was judicious in his choice of words, has got way out of control.
This thread has got to the point of becoming a competition of who can come up with the most apocalyptic scenario.Discussion about the possibility of us descending into a fascist state.
While mankind should always be on guard to ensure we fight against extreme opinions from whatever political standpoint,you ,I,and most others on here know this is not where this country is headed.
We have a ham-fisted government stumbling from one crisis to the next that needs put out of it's misery.But this is a far cry from some of the nonsense predicted on here.

We have a government that has completely gutted our right to protest peacefully. That is openly waging war on the Human Rights Act that guarantees all of our core freedoms. That has followed on from withdrawing us from the EU by attempting to abandon international conventions set up in the 50's to protect against the atrocities of the previous 50 years. That boastfully announces and passes laws which are illegal and then declares lawyers and judges who defend us to be "public enemies".

Now we're seeing them draught in voter supression ideas from the United States with this voter ID law that discriminates against younger, poorer, disenfranchised people who are less likely to vote for them. They've already coopted dark money of right wing American billionaires and political action groups whose entire purpose it to spread conflict with the establishment of the Tufton Street lot. They've already illegally harvested people's data to run targetted propaganda campaigns on them with Cambridge Analytica.

The ERG wing of the Tory party are right wing authoritarians intent on isolating Britain from the rest of the world and bulldozing every established right and protection we have to fulfill their jingoistic fantasy of a Britain that never existed and pocket every last penny they can.

I think anyone who believes we're not heading in an incredibly dangerous direction is not just naive but wilfully ignorant at this point.
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One thing that is consistent is that the government really is struggling with the practicalities. Be it the law, the processing, the detention, the repatriation, or even the deportation to third countries, whenever a representative is questioned on practicalities, they start gulping for air and just warble on about how dreadfully terrible the situation is.
Arnie will cheer you up a bit.

He certainly did. That was enormously uplifting. Thanks for posting it. What that Auschwitz survivor said at the end and Arnie's point about conquering the dark side of our minds reminded me of what another survivor, the psychiatrist Viktor Frankl once said:

‘We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.’
We have a government that has completely gutted our right to protest peacefully. That is openly waging war on the Human Rights Act that guarantees all of our core freedoms. That has followed on from withdrawing us from the EU by attempting to abandon international conventions set up in the 50's to protect against the atrocities of the previous 50 years. That boastfully announces and passes laws which are illegal and then declares lawyers and judges who defend us to be "public enemies".

Now we're seeing them draught in voter supression ideas from the United States with this voter ID law that discriminates against younger, poorer, disenfranchised people who are less likely to vote for them. They've already coopted dark money of right wing American Billionaires and political action groups whose entire purpose it to spread conflict with the establishment of the Tufton Street lot.

The ERG wing of the Tory party are right wing authoritarians intent on isolating Britain from the rest of the world and bulldozing every established right and protection we have to fulfill their jingoistic fantasy of a Britain that never existed.

I think anyone who believes we're not heading in an incredible dangerous direction is not just naive but wilfully ignorant at this point.
And there was me suggesting pulling back from despair.
I fear you are one of those who isn't happy unless you are unhappy.
The Tories will be booted out at the next election and hopefully you will be able to sleep at night.
But for fuck sake calm down.
One thing that is consistent is that the government really is struggling with the practicalities. Be it the law, the processing, the detention, the repatriation, or even the deportation to third countries, whenever a representative is questioned on practicalities, they start gulping for air and just warble on about how dreadfully terrible the situation is.
And that is precisely because they know that they are creating policy ideas and legislation that will fail. They are deliberately doing it so that they can blame other groups - lefties, lefty lawyers, the French, and so on. The warbling about how terrible it is belies their thirteen years in power, again in some blame-shift exercise, and the practicalities don't matter, because the policy will never emerge, and that will be someone else's fault.
The protests about what he said are pure obfuscation, they are a smokescreen for fundamental economic and social failings. This is standard practice, and all part of government culture war strategy. They want that, so the nation turns on each other and they build a wall of excuses for their failings - it's the wokes, the lefty lawyers, the civil servants, the French and the snowflakes, not their 'destined to fail' new bill that they ABSOLUTELY KNOW is in breach of international law.
Which they will use politically to get the Gammonati voting for them.

"Why should foreigners dictate their rules to us.." etc

Expect 30p to be the official secretary of Gammon affairs to ramp the hate up.

Migrants will die in this country because of the rhetoric whilst the compliant media spin it as line wolf attacks.
And that is precisely because they know that they are creating policy ideas and legislation that will fail. They are deliberately doing it so that they can blame other groups - lefties, lefty lawyers, the French, and so on. The warbling about how terrible it is belies their thirteen years in power, again in some blame-shift exercise, and the practicalities don't matter, because the policy will never emerge, and that will be someone else's fault.
Yet even the one thing that is entirely within its remit, detention, seems to be too difficult for the U.K. government. When Cleverly was pressed this morning on where people would be detained, he couldn’t answer the question and started warbling on about how all of the people do not arrive at once, so it’s not as if thousands will need to be detained simultaneously. However, that ignores the reality that there are already many thousands in hotels, who would presumably have to be detained elsewhere. The local desire to get them out of hotels is after all one of the driving factors, but the NIMBY effect will just appear elsewhere.
One thing that is consistent is that the government really is struggling with the practicalities. Be it the law, the processing, the detention, the repatriation, or even the deportation to third countries, whenever a representative is questioned on practicalities, they start gulping for air and just warble on about how dreadfully terrible the situation is.

It seems staggering that I have not heard any govt minister indicate that hiring more people to deal with the backlog is an option. That very much implies that they won't spend money on this.

The utter refusal to actually answer "how does someone apply for asylum legally" also shows the mindset that is in place.

The idea that a significant number will be assessed by questionnaire (in English) instead of interview is truly nuts, but will allow them to reject people who have failed to understand the questions.
One thing that is consistent is that the government really is struggling with the practicalities. Be it the law, the processing, the detention, the repatriation, or even the deportation to third countries, whenever a representative is questioned on practicalities, they start gulping for air and just warble on about how dreadfully terrible the situation is.
Because like in every other area of public service, they talk a good game but refuse to properly fund anything. Because they don't believe in public service, they just believe in enriching themselves and their donors.

The difference in this case of course is that they're being deliberately incompetent to create a crisis that will distract from every other aspect of governance that they've abjectly failed at for the past 12 years. If they actually solve the immigration problem, then who's going to vote for them? Not even the racists at that point.
And that is precisely because they know that they are creating policy ideas and legislation that will fail. They are deliberately doing it so that they can blame other groups - lefties, lefty lawyers, the French, and so on. The warbling about how terrible it is belies their thirteen years in power, again in some blame-shift exercise, and the practicalities don't matter, because the policy will never emerge, and that will be someone else's fault.

And that the cost of doing it (and fixing so many other things) can and will be blamed on the next govt.

I saw something this week that the govt currently have nothing going on. There is so little Commons business that the days often end very early.

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