Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

What a shameful electoral system we have in this country.
It has been a safe Conservative/Unionist seat since the 19th century. The closest it ever came to changing hands was in 1945, and even then it remained Conservative. If a World War couldn’t get them to change their voting intentions, I suspect nothing will. ‘More tea, Vicar?’
It has been a safe Conservative/Unionist seat since the 19th century. The closest it ever came to changing hands was in 1945, and even then it remained Conservative. If a World War couldn’t get them to change their voting intentions, I suspect nothing will. ‘More tea, Vicar?’
And yet cunts incant ‘if you don’t like your MP, you can vote them out at the next election‘.

Such a tediously naive thing to believe or say.
And yet cunts incant ‘if you don’t like your MP, you can vote them out at the next election‘.

Such a tediously naive thing to believe or say.
The alternates really need to formulate a plan to step aside and leave whoever is second as the single challenger, thus making it a single choice between Braverman and Not Braverman. It might not work, of course, but splitting the opposition plays into their hands. Sad to reflect, but they won’t do it, for reasons best known to themselves!
The alternates really need to formulate a plan to step aside and leave whoever is second as the single challenger, thus making it a single choice between Braverman and Not Braverman. It might not work, of course, but splitting the opposition plays into their hands. Sad to reflect, but they won’t do it, for reasons best known to themselves!
Isn’t the necessity of such a suggestion both depressing and wholly undemocratic? Seriously, what is the point in voting in a safe constituency? I do it because I believe I should, and because not doing is what they’d want, but it’s a complete waste of time and effort.
And yet cunts incant ‘if you don’t like your MP, you can vote them out at the next election‘.

Such a tediously naive thing to believe or say.
In Fareham, you might be able to recall your MP and change them, but that would be it. There was over 73% turnout in 2019 and Braverman received over 63%, but even if all the other parties coalesced around one candidate, they still wouldn’t stand a chance.
This iteration of the Tories is breaking the UK internationally - even hostile environment Mayday knows this - we have UKIP Govt in all but name and Johnson handed his party over to them - he should be both angry and ashamed

May introduced the Modern Slavery Act. Not surprising that she hates the current bill.
“Too much immigration”
“Fake humanitarianism”
“Out of touch lefties”

Each time she speaks, she incredibly becomes more of a c*nt. And she set the bar high months ago. Staggering how she continues to excel in said c*ntishness.

Can we just change the title of the thread to Cruella Braverman - C*nt and be done with it.
"The fake garb of humanitarianism..."

I'm not even sure if the below is a genuine quote from Hitler, but it's as if she's now mining the 1930s for what she says.

"The so-called humanitarianism is the expression of a mixture of stupidity, cowardice and conceited ignorance" (Adolf Hitler)​

(I can't find it in German - I'm not even sure the Nazis had a word for "humanitarianism"; Humanismus was humanism, and they were against that - but also against Christianity's moral squeamishness about eugenics.)
There‘s a fairly well-known quote from Goebbels that uses „Humanitätsduselei“ (which has it‘s own, longer tradition of use in German).
Not sure how best to translate, but dismissive of humanitarian ideas as being sentimental, soppy, nonsense.
Either way, Braverman is a vile moron.

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