Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

watched on C4 News last night - read the thread - Cannock seems a welcoming place......not

Just like the poor sods in the hotels, these are victims of this appalling government and its ruthless exploitation of poorly educated and poorly housed people, and communities that they have left to rot.
They are just a bit dim and certainly Ill-informed but it’s the fascist racist scum that are using this for their own ends that are the serious problem. We know who they are - and they are not appearing in this video.
I suspect sue-Ellen would thank them whole-heartedly for their contribution and support of Tory bigotry, with a view to the next GE.
This is the flaw with the whole policy.

You can only send them to a 'safe' country, which means you have to prove the country is 'safe' in the meaning of the law. I would imagine a lawyer could find something 'unsafe' about most countries outside the EU and a few within.

Then you have to find a 'safe' country willing to accept them. I believe the deal with Rwanda works out at 600k a head. It would be far cheaper to put them through university! Rwanda will only take so many and has the right to send its own asylum-seekers in exchange. 'Complex cases.' That sounds promising, doesn't it?

Back in the day, when we owned Van Diemen's Land, it would have been a doddle, but those days have gone.

Even if you have no qualms about the morality of the policy - none at all - it is still hard to see how this is a pragmatic solution, or even practicable.
There’s no flaw with the policy, whatsoever, as long as you understand what it is there for. Sadly, many loons stopping about this green and once pleasant land have no idea.
Of course, and I know you know this, it’s only there so it can be defeated by the ’wokerati’, the lefty lawyers, the civil service rump and, therefore, hopefully allow them to ditch the ECHR.
They also wilfully pretend that the ECHR has the word court in it, rather than convention.
Obviously, they do not also know that the ECHR was set up by the Council of Europe, in 1946 (ask them who the 12 members were and they won’t say us because we weren’t in the EU then).
Ask them who first publicly suggest a Council of Europe, in 1943. They won’t believe it was their hero and that he was pushing, in 1946, for a United States of Europe.
The Council of Europe was signed into being as The Treaty of London ffs.

The aim was to create a Charter of Human Rights than no government would then violate and ours want to take us out of that arrangement to sit with Belarus and Russia and if people think it’s ‘because of the boats’ they’re as mad as the wankers proposing it. I’ve said it before, but from where they were in 2015, the nutters who’ve inflicted this on us, mustn’t be able to believe how easy it’s been and it’s one of the reasons they keep pushing.
What a backwards town that is.
My sons godparents are from Cannock, they became friends on a holiday in the 90’s and kept in touch for some years after and that’s how they became his godparents. We’d occasionally visit Cannock and their local was a fucking eye opening experience, and this comes from someone from North Manchester, full of absolute racist not rights.
Not a place or people I visit any longer and haven’t for 20 years or more, seems nothings changed.

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