Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.
have you read any of the other posts?

the only people using the boats for political gain appears to be the tories
‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.

Another **** I'd happily drag out to sea.
Braverman should do what Italy used to do. Ignore the court ruling, send them back and take the fine. It’s cheaper than having to roll out the red carpet and five star hotels for these economic chancers.
Stop watching GBeebies pal, go for a walk, read a book, do some knitting, anything but listening to the sort of the nonsense that informs views like you have posted
‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.
You gaslit clown. I am way on the left and i do not support unlimited immigration, i want controlled borders, i want to know who is here but i want us to be a caring compassionate country that helps people in need. The irony of your comment is that the two people most in favour of stopping the boats are immigrants themselves who are on the far right of politics, the left has not used them for political gain, because the left does not see colour or creed, it views the country through the prism of class.

If and its a very big fucking IF , the reason for stopping the boats was breaking the people smuggling gangs, would it not be easier to put people on ferries and the eurostar rather than them pay the people smugglers. They would go out of business overnight.
I do wonder why they are risking there lives
coming here when our country is falling apart.
It’s a good question you are asking and it gets explained in the Hayden book I mentioned above.

For example, Eritrea is run like ancient Sparta. When you enter your teenage years, you get automatically enlisted in the military in perpetuity.

And if you speak out, you get disappeared (or tortured at the very least).

Meanwhile, in Sierra Leone, a country which should be as rich as Saudi Arabia according to one commentator (because of the presence of diamonds), life expectancy is around 30 years lower than ours and there is almost nothing for anyone with aspirations. During the civil war there, one person who Hayden profiles saw their grandfather get his arms hacked off and then he bled to death.

In the case of Gambia, until fairly recently it was ruled by an erratic and deranged dictator who headed death squads and ordered literal witch hunts, where elderly people in rural villages were rounded up and forced to drink hallucinogenic liquids as a means of control.

So these are the circumstances that cause people to risk everything.

Of course, they don’t know that this country is falling apart too. What they see when they get a glimpse of life in Europe through a tv or smartphone looks like a utopia to them.

Perhaps the moral question that surrounds this whole issue is this one: ‘What (if anything) does a country owe desperate people whom it does not consider to be its citizens?’

It’s a variant of ‘Does charity begin at home?’ I suppose.

Will have to save an exploration of it for another time. But provisionally, I would say that to simply favour our own citizenry in this regard is morally questionable. And for the record, the great ethicists like Kant, and utilitarian philosophers such as Jeremy Bentham, Henry Sidgwick and, latterly, Peter Singer, would all have argued that we do owe these people something.

Have really spent too much time posting on here today and can barely think straight, so can only provide a quick example of this line of thinking, but it can be found in a brief video (about alleviating poverty in developing countries rather than migrancy):

‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.
I suspect you are simply trolling, but in the event that you are not, have you not heard of human kindness and empathy? Not everything has to be for personal gain, or advantage: perhaps those in favour of opening safe and legal routes simply believe in our responsibilities to help people less fortunate.
You gaslit clown. I am way on the left and i do not support unlimited immigration, i want controlled borders, i want to know who is here but i want us to be a caring compassionate country that helps people in need. The irony of your comment is that the two people most in favour of stopping the boats are immigrants themselves who are on the far right of politics, the left has not used them for political gain, because the left does not see colour or creed, it views the country through the prism of class.

If and its a very big fucking IF , the reason for stopping the boats was breaking the people smuggling gangs, would it not be easier to put people on ferries and the eurostar rather than them pay the people smugglers. They would go out of business overnight.
And, if they then arrived and were "processed" in a reasonable time, say one month, after which they could join the workforce, contribute to society, pay taxes, etc. who would lose out?
The companies supplying prison barges, hoteliers of no-star hotels in run down seaside towns, the shadow economy employing young guys for next to nowt cash in hand to wash cars and the like.
Govt deflecting the real problem by taking a year to process, running up huge costs and blaming Labour (WTF!?) for an open borders policy!?
‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.
The only way to stop the boats is to provide a safe means for asylum seekers to make their claim for asylum, then instead of sticking them in hotels for years they should process their claims and either send them straight back if their claims fail or allow them to be economically active if they succeed with their claim. Would save a fortune and help with the shortage of workers. Anyone with a brain knows that the government have deliberately broken the asylum system to create a problem that they can pretend to try and fix using methods that appeal to racists and morons, who happen to be the only people left that might vote for them.
‘ Stop The Boats ‘. Well yes, anything else is just plain insanity . Of course the Lefties want them all in as these poor unfortunate people can be used by them for their own political advantage. Just like all the other causes that they don’t actually care about but can exploit for their own political gain.

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