Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

The irony of her being replaced by a Jew. And there’s nothing wrong with tofu. Stupid woman.
Are a majority of the British people cunts then? Because I seem to recall "getting control of our borders/our laws" was supported by 52% of people just a few years ago and that is what she wanted to enact as Home Secretary.
Oh, darling George. Nearly everyone's at least a bit of a ****.
She is getting pelters on here, but it's actually a bit harsh.

I think she has done the right thing as she made a technical error so had to resign, however her letter is a not very well disguised dig at the PM who has made multiple mistakes herself and not resigned, so fair play for that.

I always knew Liz Truss would be rubbish, she is just Theresa May 2.0 but without the intellectual capability.

She is also spot on when she says: "I have had serious concerns about this Government's commitment to honouring manifesto commitments, such as reducing overall migration numbers and stopping illegal migration, particularly the dangerous small boats crossings" (although she could have done with using a thesaurus: promises for commitments - I hate repetition in the written word).

Truss and her supporters (if she still has any) needs to accept that not everyone is into all this 'growth, growth, growth' agenda (which will require yet more expansion to our already large population). Whilst more people may mean more tax revenue and more money generated through small businesses etc. it also puts yet more strain on the already stretched NHS, education system and road infrastructure. It will also make reaching the ambitious UK climate change targets (which are already a fiction) even more unrealistic.

Braverman had the right idea as regards getting the Rwanda flights off the ground and ending illegal migration via boats across the channel, if the Government don't replace her with someone who holds the same beliefs on that, they might as well give Keir Starmer the keys to No. 10, right now. Once winter kicks in and people get hungry and cold whilst Albanian fellas are in warm hotels getting 3 meals a day (total cost to the country: £5million a day), it is all going to kick off.

Relax, plans are afoot to allow refugees who arrive here to work etc. Not to mention, Truss, sorry, Hunt, wants to massively increase immigration to meet labour shortages and growth targets.

Truss, sorry, Hunt, is embracing reality rather than the fantasy economics of the last six years. Even better, the Tories are going to get wiped out at the next election and we will be cosying back up to the EU and getting those pesky trade barriers removed or at least reduced.

It‘s a win, win, folks!
Relax, plans are afoot to allow refugees who arrive here to work etc. Not to mention, Truss, sorry, Hunt, wants to massively increase immigration to meet labour shortages and growth targets.

Truss, sorry, Hunt, is embracing reality rather than the fantasy economics of the last six years. Even better, the Tories are going to get wiped out at the next election and we will be cosying back up to the EU and getting those pesky trade barriers removed or at least reduced.

It‘s a win, win, folks!
yeah we take back control........of reality and sense
Are a majority of the British people cunts then? Because I seem to recall "getting control of our borders/our laws" was supported by 52% of people just a few years ago and that is what she wanted to enact as Home Secretary.
Utter b/s!!
52% of the people who VOTED, not 52% of the people.
Two different things entirely!

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