Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Absolutely, but assuming we ideally want the racists (on here and in general) to see our point of view and change theirs calling them cunts, nonces, nazis etc may not be the best way to achieve this - just as calling people stupid, racist etc didn't convert them from leavers to remainers. I'm not saying abuse isn't deserved, just that it probably doesn't achieve anything except shutting down discussion and entrenching views. People will just hunker down in their bunkers and quietly do their thing in the ballot box - hey presto a Tory landslide and brexit, or in this case maybe a narrow Tory win and repatriations.

I'm not naive enough to think we can convert all the bigots to libertarian values, but even a few could tip the scales of a narrow vote from a couple of % one way to the other.

If you are pursuing a divide and conquer approach the worse thing that can happen is for the warring sides to start speaking and maybe even listening to each other in a civilised fashion. At that point people might find out they have much more in common with the other ordinary people they perceive as their 'enemy' than with the small cadre of highly privileged people who are manipulating them. To your point it doesn't need to work for everyone, just a sufficient number to start seeing eye to eye.
If you are pursuing a divide and conquer approach the worse thing that can happen is for the warring sides to start speaking and maybe even listening to each other in a civilised fashion. At that point people might find out they have much more in common with the other ordinary people they perceive as their 'enemy' than with the small cadre of highly privileged people who are manipulating them. To your point it doesn't need to work for everyone, just a sufficient number to start seeing eye to eye.
Has he ever said he has issue with immigration as a concept? If so then yeah racist otherwise he’s just a twat who is using smoke and mirrors to deflect.

Regarding the second question. Interesting one that. You’d have to conclude it wouldn’t reduce the risk but what is the alternative? No immigration process whatsoever and we just tell them to pitch up at the airport and we’ll keep sending planes to ferry them to the UK? That seems wholly unworkable as a standard operating procedure given hostile governments would never allow it and would require military intervention - possible on an ad-hoc basis where genocide or all at war is occurring but it will have a very short time of operation (such as the evacuation from Kabul - ignoring how that didn’t work for some/many trying to flee as that’s a problem of implementation not concept). Anyone routinely fleeing some level of persecution based on religion or sexual orientation etc will likely flee under their own steam as they do today…once they present at first safe country then the UK should have a means to allow them to apply for asylum here via the consulate - additionally they can seek refuge in their local British embassy presuming their local government isn’t hostile. Those who want to come for economic reasons can apply at their local embassy/consulate.

There is no perfect solution to the problem - only choices. We choose to make it difficult to arrive here - we choose to then spend huge amounts of time, effort and money on removing those who take the difficult route. In short we are dealing with the consequence not the cause. If we brought in a fairer system then removing those who don’t qualify to live here would be much simpler to implement given they would have exhausted all legal routes before opting on the only one left to them which would be an illegal route.

Quite sickening watching her in Parliament yesterday with a smug grin on her face while the Prime Minister metaphorically soils himself in public defending her. A clear demonstration of how weak Sunak is and the grip the ERG have on the party.
Probably should have run it past the Belizean Minister for Foreign affairs and Immigration before leaking this plan to the press.

Quite sickening watching her in Parliament yesterday with a smug grin on her face while the Prime Minister metaphorically soils himself in public defending her. A clear demonstration of how weak Sunak is and the grip the ERG have on the party.
The ERG are still smarting from the failure of the truss/quarteng project and are left with sue-Ellen as their last tool in the box.
They‘ve pretty much laid the gauntlet down for the feeble Sunak, with the threat that any opposition or criticism of the mad woman will result in the right wingers withdrawing any support for him and they will happily bring down his government.
The ERG hold the whip hand and they don’t really care about Sunak, the tory party or the country.

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