Summerbee Never To Be Invited Again!

leroy said:
I Imagine what sky dont like is that it was more akin to sky's 'Fanzone'. they dont want people too biased, which I think is poor. I didnt like fanzone, but two ex pro's baiting each other would be great.

Probably why Thompson only gets a soccer saturday seat and not proper punditry.

do they still do fanzone? i loved it


I think they still do, they've started focussing on fans blods more now though. For added 'conspiracy against city' the city blogger hasn't updated his blog since de jong's tackle on ben arfa, while everyone else has had something new to say. fancy that!
you get a tit like chamberlain who has probably never kicked a ball in his life and redknapp who has not won half the trophies mike has, looking and talking down at a gentleman like mike, he is probably better off not being in the same room as these greedy backstabbing brown nosed arse lickers, when are city going to start making life hard for these people, i don,t mean court cases etc, i mean when these media fkwits come to the ground just make it hard and unpleasent, stop being so nice, show them that their venomous view on city will not be tolerated, make them do their interviews away from the ground, spit in their hot milky coffee etc? you have to remember these guys think they are untouchable and are like spoilt brats, make them reallise their actions and words have consequences, they are so scared of ferguson and his cronies that they are scared shitless of going to the theatre of holiday makers,i don,t particulary like the guy but he has got that one right?
A lot of rags do not read certain papers or watch sokme of the coverage - why? - Because they cannot remove the rag blinkers. Anyone who doesn't agree with baconface or criticizes them is a wanker. Don't tell me City fans are now going down the same paranoid route.
Correct statistics later revealed mike was totally right in his assessment of the match,so why should he never be invited again?
Well done buzzer for saying it as you seen it, and as others have said why invite someone from the opposite team to give their view and undermine them
when the view does not match the united version of events.
well done buzzer, always has and always will, speak the truth.

Do we need sky.......... they will want us so very soon C,mon you BLUES
I've noticed how Adrian Chiles has become increasingly annoying with his brown nose tactics, shame as I used to like him and he set off pretty witty and pleasant to watch.

I suppose though that they all end up obeying the unwritten rules eventually.
oops this is a big clanger for SKY stating that they will not be inviting Summerbee on anymore as its just proven his points as 100% correct. The ball was in SKY's court and they've dropped a clanger. Our next SKY representative should be Colin Bell :o)
monkeymagic said:
A lot of rags do not read certain papers or watch sokme of the coverage - why? - Because they cannot remove the rag blinkers. Anyone who doesn't agree with baconface or criticizes them is a wanker. Don't tell me City fans are now going down the same paranoid route.

What the fuck are you going on about. We're sticking up for a City legend who has basically been banned from Sky as being a pundit.

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