Swansea City vs Manchester City City Post Match Thread

More important things on our minds. A decent point against a good footballing side. Hopefully no injuries or problems for next week (Yaya?) in which case it's not all doom n gloom.
List of away games seemingly impossible to win under Mancini


There we go
Ducado said:
Bit of a bore fest

That's all I can say

Positives, we did not lose, kept a clean sheet, a point closer to guaranteed 2nd

Rant Away

2 points that Chelsea and Arsenal can gain on us, and Spuds too if they get their finger out as they are half an hour behind.

Dzeko's miss, just awful. Think we would have played better in 2nd half if Swansea got the nailed on pen they should have had at the end of the 1st half. Rather lacklustre, even Zaba was in 1st gear.
I don't care where we are in the league or the season, what game we have next week or on Tuesday. That was terrible.

The players should have steamrolled Swansea today as many of them won't be playing on West Brom.

Yet again another game of who can score the perfect goal as well. Frustrating isn't the word.

No words for Dzeko.
that was a shower of shite, we might as well not have even turned up today!!
players half arsed, what is going on?? some of these players are playing for their future and their not even fucking bothered!
bobby better make some changes tuesday night!
what a waste of 90mins that was!!
That was a pathetic performance. The cup final being the only mitigating factor.
Nice stroll in the Sun for the boys. They had a nice day out, earnt a load of money, hopefully didn't catch measles and we didn't lose. Easy life for a Prem footballer.

It was really like a pre-season training game. Neither team really needed to win. They put a bit of biff into the first half, suppose they had to being the home side. Then it was just a nice kickabout for both teams.
Bad spell in the first half, under the cosh a bit but held on. Had a slight advantage for the rest of the game, more so in the 2nd half. We definitely had the best of it. Can tell Swansea were well drilled defensively. Dzeko should have buried that in the last few mins. Didn't lose away vs a good side, clean sheet, happy but underwhelmed. Bring on the final!

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