Swansea v Chelsea/Arse Vs West ham/Hazard incident

peoffrey said:
squirtyflower said:
peoffrey said:
I'd be humiliated and ashamed to have raised a child that openly displays cheating tendencies.

good job your child isn't a footballer then, as most are fucking cheats at some time

I used to play and I've never cheated in my life.
so you never committed a foul?
never got booked?
never gave a way a handball?
never tugged on a shirt?

did you play for mother Teresa's 11
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
peoffrey said:
bobmcfc said:
Ask yourself this, if that was your son he was kicking would you still be saying he deserved it ?

I'd be humiliated and ashamed to have raised a child that openly displays cheating tendencies.

So if your son a blue, did the same thing because he was desperate for his club to get to wembley you would be ashamed? Bollocks...

If that was my son I would have got on the pitch and fcking smacked hazard and taken the ban.

If you go on the pitch and assault a player then I hope you get jailed. Then your Son will disown you for being a thug!
Cobwebcat said:
inchy14 said:
Cobwebcat said:
Aww diddums. What a load of crap, the lad knows exactly what he is doing and so do you. If Silva had done that what would you have said. Actually never mind.

I'd have said Silva was a twat if that was the case.
Can't believe you're making an excuse for him.
And if you think kicking kids is acceptable god help yours.

I'd be ashamed if he was mine and he isn't a little kid lets have it right.

Why would you be ashamed? He was just slowing the game down, like Swansea's keeper did for 90 minutes. Hazard shouldn't have got involved and I'd guess he agrees with me right now.
JacksonJones said:
Hart of the matter said:
Would not surprise me if criminal charges follow. If you did that in the street you would be bang to rights. ..
kicking the ball underneath someone is a criminal offense?!

Use your eyes the magnified shot clearly shows he got him in the ribs.
My first instinct when I saw it live was that the Ball Boy caused it, not so sure now. It seems Hazard in his eagerness caused the kid to fall, which in turn caused the kid to be petulent. The actual kick was a disgrace and will lead to a lengthy ban.

As for Chelsea FC's official comment shown on other pages, absolutely shocking.
jay_mcfc said:
peoffrey said:
If Swansea encourage their Ballboy to do this then they should be thrown out of the competition. They can bleat on about their old financial problems all they want. No sympathy from me because that was unsporting and incredibly pathetic.

An absurd comment.

They openly cheat and their Ballboy was boasting about it on Twitter earlier.

An absurd reply from you!
BigJoe#1 said:
I found Hoddles comments interesting where he publicly declared that all clubs do it, encourage the ball boys to waste time when their side is ahead... I know we all know it happens, we see it often enough, but to say publicly this is what clubs actually do..... ouch!!

Hoddle faith healed the kid from the studio, hence he's not concerned for his wellbeing
bobmcfc said:
Not giving a ball back is not an excuse to assault someone ! What is wrong with some of you ?

He's admitted trying it on and you think it's assault? Just embarrassing
bluebc said:
peoffrey said:
If Swansea encourage their Ballboy to do this then they should be thrown out of the competition. They can bleat on about their old financial problems all they want. No sympathy from me because that was unsporting and incredibly pathetic.

Maybe the ball boy is a Swansea fan and was desperate to see his side in a final, if the ball had landed in your hands during the F.A cup semi at 1-0 near the end of the game and Ferdinand was waiting for you to throw it to him for a rag corner or throw in would you have got it back to him a.s.a.p ?

I'm not a Ballboy? Besides, City ejected a fan for not throwing a ball back properly once. I'd not touch it.

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