swp banned

Dubai Blue said:
Chippy Boy said:
The other thing is that refs need to be hauled up as well. It's a complete joke for the ref in our case to say he didn't see it. The video evidence shows him staring at SWP as he kicks out.

The fact is he saw SWP kick out and decided that he wasn't going to punish it. Presumably because he had just seen SWP get scythed to the ground and then kicked while on the floor. And then after the event - maybe having seen it on TV - he decides he's made a blunder and comes out and says he didn't see the incident. What a load of horseshit.
The way I see it is that pressure is unduly put on the referees by the governing bodies (bear with me).

If he stuck to the truth that he did see it and didn't deem it punishable, he himself would be handed a ban from refereeing in the Premiership (at least for one week). So from a selfish point of view, he has the choice of who gets banned; himself or SWP. A pretty easy judgement call to make, I'm sure you'll agree.

Spot on.

Which is why the FA need to say to the ref, "You are saying you didn't see it? Well looking at the footage, we don't believe you. You clearly saw the incident and failed to red card the player, therefore you are subject to sanction xyz."

Not, "Oh OK then, no probs".
bluecore said:
This whole system is a farce.

They can rescind a red card but cannot upgrade a yellow to a red??

If an incident is seen by the officials they can do nothing but if it wasn't seen they can award any penalty??

It's ridiculous and (as we can see) open to far too much interpretation or even corruption.

There are only 2 options:

1. - every disciplinary decision and unseen incident can be retrospectively reviewed, cards awarded or rescinded as appropriate (yellows and reds) and cards that have been awarded can be upgraded

2. - back the officials, mistakes and all. Every decision made is final and cannot be apealled

You raise a very good point. Surely the rules need seriously looking at here.

When a restrospective action can or cannot be taken, purely depending on whether the ref decides to say "I saw it" or "I didn't see it", then the system is FAR too open to abuse and surely the rules must be looked at.

It's far too easy for refs to cover up their own blunders by saying they didn't see something.
if he was playing for the scum (mufc) he wouldnt have got a ban.

imagine how many people rooney would have to kill before he got a 3 match ban!

Fu*king stupid.
Shooter 83 said:
masterwig said:
Anyone got a link to Ronaldo's kicks? I haven't seen them and would be interested to see how similar to what Shauny did they are. If they are similar I will send the links to the FA.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofjpU9q8K44" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofjpU9q8K44</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4U3s04WmjM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4U3s04WmjM</a>

Didnt the greasy orange b'stard do the same thing in their lucky win at home against Sunderland?
You could see from Sweep's face that he was almost embarrassed to be involved in it. Anyone can see that there is no malice in that lad at all
The law is an ase,

The rules are so full of smoke and mirrors it's open to minipulation, which is what goes on..........the FA can bend and change what happens to meet the needs of the sponsors and the money men who run the game.

The only fair solution would be to have a system that can review all post match footage and make a decision based on what they see on TV and not what the ref's see/don't see, especially it situations of violent conduct, unfortunatley nothing is going to change and we will just have to get on with it.

Hopefully wether right or wrong when we get into the top four these decisions will be in our favour as we will be part of the 'establishment'
It's stuff like this that can drive a man away from Premiership football. I watched those riverdance videos and I feel fucking sick.

The England team is a joke. Wembley, a joke. The Premier League, a joke.

The FA, with it's long history and heritage, (it's *The* FA, after all) and all that it does at grass roots level, doesn't deserve the horrid little balding grey men that preside over it. Too interested in pandering to sponsorship money and taking expensive champagne lunches. What a bunch of ruinous cretins.
I dont see why they have done that right because i think one the refs descision is made its made.
And shauns kick wasnt even hard.
I think its because we aint a top 4 team tbh

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