swp banned

marcus said:
the comparison with the chealsea player cannot be used as in that case the linesman siad he saw it!!! which means no further action can be taken. well why the fuck didnt the linesman do anything about it in the first place??

the comparison has to be ronaldo v spurs when he kicked out at dawson. neither the ref nor the linesman saw it so why no action for that??

the big 4 are quite happy with the status quo and are basically more powerful than the prem or fa. the prem are shit scared of upsetting them.

mayber swp deserves to be banned, prob does in fairness. but we just want consistancy and fair play to teams outside the top 4.

Agree with this ^

The other thing is that refs need to be hauled up as well. It's a complete joke for the ref in our case to say he didn't see it. The video evidence shows him staring at SWP as he kicks out.

The fact is he saw SWP kick out and decided that he wasn't going to punish it. Presumably because he had just seen SWP get scythed to the ground and then kicked while on the floor. And then after the event - maybe having seen it on TV - he decides he's made a blunder and comes out and says he didn't see the incident. What a load of horseshit.
Chippy_boy said:
marcus said:
the comparison with the chealsea player cannot be used as in that case the linesman siad he saw it!!! which means no further action can be taken. well why the fuck didnt the linesman do anything about it in the first place??

the comparison has to be ronaldo v spurs when he kicked out at dawson. neither the ref nor the linesman saw it so why no action for that??

the big 4 are quite happy with the status quo and are basically more powerful than the prem or fa. the prem are shit scared of upsetting them.

mayber swp deserves to be banned, prob does in fairness. but we just want consistancy and fair play to teams outside the top 4.

Agree with this ^

The other thing is that refs need to be hauled up as well. It's a complete joke for the ref in our case to say he didn't see it. The video evidence shows him staring at SWP as he kicks out.

The fact is he saw SWP kick out and decided that he wasn't going to punish it. Presumably because he had just seen SWP get scythed to the ground and then kicked while on the floor. And then after the event - maybe having seen it on TV - he decides he's made a blunder and comes out and says he didn't see the incident. What a load of horseshit.
The way I see it is that pressure is unduly put on the referees by the governing bodies (bear with me).

If he stuck to the truth that he did see it and didn't deem it punishable, he himself would be handed a ban from refereeing in the Premiership (at least for one week). So from a selfish point of view, he has the choice of who gets banned; himself or SWP. A pretty easy judgement call to make, I'm sure you'll agree.

Having the said that, the ref and linesman in the Bosingwa incident should never officiate in the premier league again. They were both directly on top of the incident and couldn't possibly have missed it.
Fuking joke FULL STOP, the double standards that the FA carry are utterly appalling. Boswinger should recive exactly the same punishement and also if sweeps lash out is worth a 3 match ban wtf has that eboue lad done exactly the same thing, exactly same context and got off with only a second yellow and a 1 match ban??? surely looking at that shauny should either get a yellow or a 1 match ban. FA = Fuking arseholes! Rant Over CTID
The delay isn't due to any conspiracy at the FA or with the referee. It was just the Frank Lampard hadn't been given time to fully comment on the incident and put in his complaint to the FA (via Sky Sports as that's the official channel).

Surely everyone agrees with Frank's statement that there is one rule for Chelsea and another for Man City. He quite rightly pointed out that the FA were mad to consider charging Bosingwa and that if he, Frank ' Frank Lampard' Lampard, isn't allowed the odd sliding tackle, with his boot a foot off the playing surface, then surely the game has gone to pot.

Upon hearing of the FA's decisions to overturn his ban, ignore Bosingwa's assault, and to ban SWP, he made the following comment "Irony? Is that like goldy and bronzy but made out of iron?"
mcfcbird said:
We can whinge on about the FA's double standards all we want, yeah we know it goes on but letters and email aren't going to change anything. Me, I'm more pissed off that SWP did it in the first place. When I saw my heart sank 'cause I thought he was going to walk there and then.

SWP's been in the game long enough to know that NO MATTER WHAT THE PROVOCATION IS, you don't lash out in retaliation - and yeah - that's exactly what he did. If you do that you stand a VERY good chance that you're gong to get sent off the park. Yes the officials missed it, but the TV cameras and every journo and pundit whose got it in for us didn't. If he HADN'T have done it, Delap would have walked and justice would have been served. As it is, SWP is out for three away games on the bounce, one of which is Anfeild, right at the time that we need to start picking up points away. Fuckin' great! Nice one SWeeP.

That's an appallingly defeatist attitude in my opinion. It's been proved beyond doubt in this thread that the FA are completely inconsistent in the way they apply their 'rules'.

So your solution is that we should bend over and get shafted???

Forget about SWP, it's not relevant to the fact that the FA are shit.
ultimateharold said:
Im not hoping for anything, but here goes.


Regarding the recent suspension issued to Shaun Wright Philips after his retaliation on Rory Delap, can you please explain why similar action wasn't taken with players such as Ronaldo and Bosingwa, in recent matches, for similar, if not worse events.

The argument that officials 'didn't see it' must surely raise questions, as videos show that they had good sight of the incidents, and therefore, this must call into question their ability to officiate at the top level. On a cynical note, it also seems to give them a 'get out of jail free' card, on contentious incidents.

It should also be noted that in the Ronaldo and Bosingwa cases, little provocation was made, whereas in Wright Phillps' case, he was fouled, and then kicked/had the ball kicked at him, while down from the initial foul. Is this not taken into account?

As fans, we accept that players if the letter of the law is to be applied, should be sent off/suspended, and yes, therefore Shaun should be banned, however, when similar incidents appear to go unpunished for certain clubs, it is unsurprising that people are losing faith in the governing body.

You'll be aware no doubt of the incidents I allude to, however, here are some videos to clarify.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4U3s04WmjM" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4U3s04WmjM</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f10aN9QuuU" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f10aN9QuuU</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofjpU9q8K44" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofjpU9q8K44</a>
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtCOZpC7Td0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtCOZpC7Td0</a>

I enclose the last video, of Skrtel on Jo, to emphasise my point regarding officials often being able to see the incidents.

Thanks for your time, and a response to clear this up would be appreciated.


Outstanding post, good work getting all the video links in there. Mind if I borrow it? :)
What a fucking joke. I knew this would happen with us not being in the Sky 4, but it's still a disgrace.

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