SWP on left, Petrov on right, sub a sub = Tactically inept

The previous manager bought players with known injury problems. This manager has half a squad to pick from. We have a lightweight team of dwafs. Of course we were always going to get bullied yesterday. Lesson learnt.

The thread title claims playing wingers on the opposite flank to their strong foot is tactically inept. The only thing inept is that statement. It's a very common tactic, as has been stated earlier in this thread. Subbing a sub is not tactically inept either. It shows big balls, especially when the player involved is the owners "marquee signing". Message clearly sent if you ask me.
I posted this on another thread but its more approriate here

People seem to forget how threadbare our squad is at the minute. Even the bench SWP returning from injury, Benji not 100%.

Mancini set his team up well with RSC giving the hieght, strength to trouble their defence.
5 mins later hes gone, Petrovs been on the right since SWP injury and has done well.

With RSC going off we had very few options, they had their 1st team out there we had to make do.
Didsbury Dave said:
Melon said:
His game plan was obviously to have a target man upfront and have Tevez play off RSC, with bellers and petrov running down the lines to get behind everton.

So it really surprised me when he didn't just bring on benjani when RSC went off injured. How he thought Robbie was going to hold the ball up is beyond me. We wouldn't of had to change our plan and lets face it we couldn't have done any worse!

I agree, that was a mistake. No idea why he did that, or why he didn't put it right quickly.

By the time he did it was too late.

All managers make mistakes and I'm sure he's learned more about his team now.

It was if curiousity got the better of him, like he'd been mulling over Robinho's best position in the team and just saw it as an excuse to give him a go through the middle.

It was a major error not to bring Benjani on and I'm sure Mancini is kicking himself for making it now.
Petrov on the right is never going to work for me.

I can see the idea, but the guy is SO left footed, every defender knows he's going to have to cut inside and they are ready for it. And if Petrov gets the ball and goes on a run, unlike on the left where he can terrorise defenders, he always has to stop his run and check to get it onto his left foot. It just doesn't work.

But Mancini is still learning what our players can do. Yesterday will have taught him a great deal.
I thought it was REALLY refreshing seeing Mancio at work. Sadly he had to take RSC off immediately, but after that he also realized it wasn't working and was ready to send Benji on straight away. Sub didn't happen until HT, but it was nice seeing him actually make the changes. Sub a sub? YES, Robinho wasn't working at all and he was the right guy to go off at that point. It didn't work yesterday but I praise him for being brave enough to make the changes, something MH didn't do enough.

I agree Benji should have been brought on instead of RSC though, but hindsight is 20/20. Not sure why Benji didn't come on at around 30mins when they cut to the bench and he looked ready to come on, but oh well. As I said didn't work yesterday but I think it will prove to be a valuable lesson. I'm ready to put it behind me, roll on tuesday!
m27 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I agree, that was a mistake. No idea why he did that, or why he didn't put it right quickly.

By the time he did it was too late.

All managers make mistakes and I'm sure he's learned more about his team now.

It was if curiousity got the better of him, like he'd been mulling over Robinho's best position in the team and just saw it as an excuse to give him a go through the middle.

It was a major error not to bring Benjani on and I'm sure Mancini is kicking himself for making it now.

Out of the many managers I can remember there was only really Sven who would make the hard decisions regarding subs. Its refreshing to see someone who has the balls to make the choices, albeit that he got this one wrong. In the past we would have waited till 85minutes to change things. So it didn't work, ast least we tried.

Before xmas if most city fans would have been offered 9 points from 12 for the next 4 games (and a cup win aswell) they would have all taken it! In the past we'd probably have beaten everton and lost to bloody stoke!
GoForGlory said:
I thought it was REALLY refreshing seeing Mancio at work. Sadly he had to take RSC off immediately, but after that he also realized it wasn't working and was ready to send Benji on straight away. Sub didn't happen until HT, but it was nice seeing him actually make the changes. Sub a sub? YES, Robinho wasn't working at all and he was the right guy to go off at that point. It didn't work yesterday but I praise him for being brave enough to make the changes, something MH didn't do enough.

I agree Benji should have been brought on instead of RSC though, but hindsight is 20/20. Not sure why Benji didn't come on at around 30mins when they cut to the bench and he looked ready to come on, but oh well. As I said didn't work yesterday but I think it will prove to be a valuable lesson. I'm ready to put it behind me, roll on tuesday!

Far too much sense in this post for this thread.
Brendan110_0 said:
Considering MH came under so much criticism what's the excuse now?........hope the change of manager doesn't cost us on Tuesday, not looking forward to it now :(

If you had watched the game you'd have appreciated the fact that RSC had gone off so getting behind their full backs and knocking crosses in would have been a waste of time. Mancini was looking for our wide men to cut inside.
SWP ishalf the player on the left, Keegan found this out early on too.

With Shaun it is not about his crosses to big men, it is more about him scoring, cut backs, lay-offs etc which he does much better from the right.

Petrov on the right gets the ball, runs then stops to get the ball on his left, then everyone catches up.
Think Mancini did make his first mistakes in this match!

Should have replaced Rocky with Benjami instead of Robinho!

Think the subsitution disrupted our balance of play just as we were settling in!

Also didnt see any tactical changes made like in past matches when thinks were not working out for us!

Mind you couldnt see much in that shit ground anyway!

Not complaining though will take win 4 lose 1 anytime compared to 5 draws!!!

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