Keep posting and phonig the F==king trolls at the FA.

Bring up points support your arguements.

Don't let em off the hook on this one.
apparently available for Boro

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11679_4898724,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528, ... 24,00.html</a>
The FA really are embarrassing themselves with this one. They have raised awareness to their incompetence and fuck knows how many interpretations of the rules they have, Hopefully they will continue to be ridiculed.

Shaun Wright-Phillips is free to play in Manchester City's game against Middlesbrough on Saturday after the club were given more time to provide evidence against a Football Association charge.

The City winger has been charged with violent conduct by the FA following an incident in last week's 1-0 defeat at Stoke City.

Wright-Phillips appeared to kick out at Rory Delap and referee Martin Atkinson has said he would have sent the player off if he had seen the incident.

The FA had given Wright-Phillips until 6pm on Thursday to respond to the charge, but City have been granted more time to put their case together.

The evidence must now be submitted by 6pm on Friday, with the case to be heard on Monday at 11am, meaning Wright-Phillips can line up against Boro on Saturday.


If Wright-Phillips is ultimately found guilty he faces a three-match ban, although City boss Mark Hughes believes such a punishment would be unfair.

Hughes said of the FA charge: "We are disappointed.

"By the letter of the law, Shaun retaliated. But he had twice been kicked from behind. I don't think what Shaun did in response was violent conduct.

"It was a human reaction and I feel a three-game ban would be unfair."
While I dont condone the lad kicking out, I am sure I'm not alone in being glad that he has some fight in him, instead of rolling around on the deck for 45 minutes like that little tranny fucker would surely have done.

Load of fucking bollocks. One rule for 4, one rule for every other fucker.
It's not that SWP should not be punished - the retaliation was similar to Dunne's recently, and his punishment was fair. It is the so obvious double standards that are so infuriating.
I've looked at TheFA.com for how to complain, and I reckon the online form will go to the three girls in the Customer Relations office, with little or no effect.
Why not email Lord Triesman direct, from this link http://www.theyworkforyou.com/peer/lord_triesman.

Dear Lord Triesman,

I write as a football supporter, regarding an issue which should concern you in your capacity of Chairman of The Football Association.

Today, Shaun Wright-Philips of Manchester City has been charged for an alleged incident of violent conduct in the recent game between Stoke City and Manchester City. This follows a review of evidence by your colleagues at The FA, after the match referee admitted he didn't see the incident.

You may be familiar with another recent incident in which Jose Bosingwa of Chelsea deliberately placed his boot in the back of Yossi Benayoun of Liverpool, pushing him to the ground. On this occasion, no action was taken by the match referee (presumably because he did not see it, because if he had seen it, it would have been a straight red card punishment). Following a review of this incident by your colleagues, it has been determined that no further action is deemed necessary.

Please will you explain to me why what appears to be the more serious of these two incidents has gone unpunished. This smacks of double-standards by The FA, and is clearly discriminating against Manchester City.

Other incidents this season seem to indicate that The FA shows favour to the "big four" teams of Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal, by applying leniency to them.

I would be interested to hear your comments on this matter.

Yours sincerely,
bluegorton said:
It's a long thread and I'm not going through it so apologies if this has already been said. We have never been in favour with refs or the FA, even when we were shit and yo yo ing around the divisions. But I seriously think there's an agenda against us now we have the potential, financially at least, to disrupt the top four and upset the status quo. Refs read the papers and watch SSN, hoping to catch a shot of themselves chatting to fat Frank, or smiling in the face of a Shrek tirade, instead of red carding him probably. They're on the anti City bandwagon. Further up the food chain I don't know who is on any FA committees apart from that git from the swamp, but I imagine we are viewed as a medium to long term threat to the top four, which in they're eyes "just won't do". It would help our cause if we were not so liable to shoot ourselves in the foot as so often happens. It would help more if we were a London club, (Chelsea had nothing like the stick we're getting). But I fear there's nothing we can do about it and will just have to live with it. I think in the past other fans had a soft spot for our club mainly because most fans of other clubs hate the scum and sympathised with us for having to share a county with them (not a city) while they were winning everything while we struggled, but now it's a case of "we're struggling to pay the bills and they've just won the lottery the lucky twats" and the green eyed monster has taken over.

In short, and I know it's a bit late for that, we're going to get slated at every opportunity, and if we are going to be successful we will have to do it the hard way with no help from anyone, because we are ruining the game, clearly.

Fuck em all, it will make us stronger, more determined, and more together than ever.

Half pissed rant ends.
Every word is true, well done mate.
so you've just been given a bit of a shit tackle where the ball was completely taken out of the equation, then you're kicked while on the ground by someone who looks like Golem. your reaction would be to hit back.
shaundickov said:
Let's all take our blue-tinted glasses off for a second and admit that SWP deserved a straight red for that kick and should receive disciplinary action eg a 3 game ban or something like that. That kind of retaliation can't be tolerated.

What wouldyou expect a City player to do after being twatted by another player like that?

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