Tactical again

chris313nt said:
jeffmr2 said:
He seems to be applying the same negative defensive approach as when he managed Wales,its painfull to have to go through it all again. Strangely enough back then Wales had a decent attacking team,we were well on our way to qualify for 2004 european championships but Hughes started playing so defensively we fell apart.Just like city now,Wales had a very vulnerable defence.

We didn't have a decent attacking team in 2004 at all...we had a decent manager who made a decent team out of CRAP!!! We only had 2 EPL players & all the rest played for Swansea, Cardiff & lower division sides...but Sparky did develop good enough tactics to beat Italy 2-1...
The only person I saw today who was 'bad in defence' was surprisingly Zabaleta, the others played really well & everyone's allowed a 'bad game'...

I love the way how everyone is ignoring this (and if I allow myself a bit of a ego-pushing moment, my post). Top point, Chris. Interestingly selective vision by people here.

Also, Cheesy, defensive as we may have been recently, we haven't been lacking goals ourselves, have we? Another thing I find funny though is how the same people who slate Hughes' supposedly negative approaches want Mourinho, the guy who recently stated that Italy has given him the chance to revel in defensive tactical challenges, which is what he loves the most.

Maybe I just have a weird sense of humour, but you Hughes outers should put out a sketch show or something, you do have the talent..
Back pass - Back pass - to Keeper - then long ball.

That's been the tactics of late.

Was starting the tolerate Hughes but beginning to have a serious dislike of him as manager.
When his face is on the tv, I just think "Idiot! He does not have a clue"

Guaranteed! If the owners bought the team with no manager installed, they WOULD NOT have chosen Hughes. They got STUCK with him and this is the result.

Bwaa bwaa "We only lost 1 game!" we'll be saying that all the way up to the 10th draw and then realize that hey "we're in 12th place"...but its ok, we only lost 1 game for the season. LOL!
skybluekings said:
Back pass - Back pass - to Keeper - then long ball.

That's been the tactics of late.

Was starting the tolerate Hughes but beginning to have a serious dislike of him as manager.
When his face is on the tv, I just think "Idiot! He does not have a clue"

Guaranteed! If the owners bought the team with no manager installed, they WOULD NOT have chosen Hughes. They got STUCK with him and this is the result.

Bwaa bwaa "We only lost 1 game!" we'll be saying that all the way up to the 10th draw and then realize that hey "we're in 12th place"...but its ok, we only lost 1 game for the season. LOL!

They could quite easily of got rid and brought their own man in, they were stuck with no-one.
pee dubya said:
skybluekings said:
Back pass - Back pass - to Keeper - then long ball.

That's been the tactics of late.

Was starting the tolerate Hughes but beginning to have a serious dislike of him as manager.
When his face is on the tv, I just think "Idiot! He does not have a clue"

Guaranteed! If the owners bought the team with no manager installed, they WOULD NOT have chosen Hughes. They got STUCK with him and this is the result.

Bwaa bwaa "We only lost 1 game!" we'll be saying that all the way up to the 10th draw and then realize that hey "we're in 12th place"...but its ok, we only lost 1 game for the season. LOL!

They could quite easily of got rid and brought their own man in, they were stuck with no-one.

Nope, they bought the team on the last day of the transfer window. Season had already started and was too late to get a quality coach as all had been taken. They had no choice but to stick with Hughes.
skybluekings said:
pee dubya said:
They could quite easily of got rid and brought their own man in, they were stuck with no-one.

Nope, they bought the team on the last day of the transfer window. Season had already started and was too late to get a quality coach as all had been taken. They had no choice but to stick with Hughes.

Don't think so, there's been plenty of quality coaches in and out of work, if they thought he was shit and wanted a better quality manager in, they would have done it by now.
pee dubya said:
skybluekings said:
Nope, they bought the team on the last day of the transfer window. Season had already started and was too late to get a quality coach as all had been taken. They had no choice but to stick with Hughes.

Don't think so, there's been plenty of quality coaches in and out of work, if they thought he was shit and wanted a better quality manager in, they would have done it by now.

I see your point. I still am not sold on him. I just don't see us as a winning team with him at the helm. I want to believe in him but the past weeks have been so frustrating to see the lack of creativity in building our plays.

I swear, today at the sports bar, everyone was like "oh God no, not another back pass" and it got to the point where we were predicting what the player was going to do with the ball...that's right you guessed it "back pass".

How can I believe in that?
Dhenry said:
chris313nt said:

I Another thing I find funny though is how the same people who slate Hughes' supposedly negative approaches want Mourinho, the guy who recently stated that Italy has given him the chance to revel in defensive tactical challenges, which is what he loves the most.


I think that kind of approach will be readily tolerated where there is a strong chance of trophies at the end of it. If the only way someone like Moriniho can deliver us the title is to bore us rigid, then so be it. I'm sure we'll get over it, most of us. It doesn't have to be glamourous.
skybluekings said:
pee dubya said:
Don't think so, there's been plenty of quality coaches in and out of work, if they thought he was shit and wanted a better quality manager in, they would have done it by now.

I see your point. I still am not sold on him. I just do see us as a winning team with him at the helm. I want to believe in him but the past weeks have been so frustrating to see the lack of creativity in building our plays.

I swear, today at the sports bar, everyone was like "oh God no, not another back pass" and it got to the point where we were predicting what the player was going to do with the ball...that's right you guessed it "back pass".

How can I believe in that?

I don't know, back passes are fine as long as they don't result in a long punt up the pitch, which lately they have been. Keeping possession is key, booting the ball up to Ade doesn't work, i'm 99% sure Hughes sees this, he seems fairly smart to me. Telling someone to do something doesn't necessarily mean they'll do it though, when you're lacking confidence, under pressure, have very little time to think, being closed down, got 48,000 watching your every move, and have been constantly criticised for being part of a leaky defence, taking the safetly first option of getting the ball away would be a natural reaction i think.

I don't think we're anywhere near the finished article of what Hughes would like to achieve as a team, it would be interesting to see the average length of time a player has been at their club for the top clubs, i think we'd have the lowest average by a long way. It takes time to get a team, playing as a team and playing the way you want them too. I think Hughes should be given the time, that's all, i don't have a definitive answer on how long he should be given, but a few months working with a new set of players isn't long enough in my opinion.
Pam said:
Dhenry said:
I Another thing I find funny though is how the same people who slate Hughes' supposedly negative approaches want Mourinho, the guy who recently stated that Italy has given him the chance to revel in defensive tactical challenges, which is what he loves the most.


I think that kind of approach will be readily tolerated where there is a strong chance of trophies at the end of it. If the only way someone like Moriniho can deliver us the title is to bore us rigid, then so be it. I'm sure we'll get over it, most of us. It doesn't have to be glamourous.

Well I have to say, you have been one of the more reasonable argumented people, so I agree to an extent - Mourinho is a fine coach and if you are into football enough, even defensive tactics can be fun to watch - the movements, the covering, the closing down (I was really impressed with Liverpool on 0-0 today, I think they were excellent in destroying our fluid moves, rather than us having booting up the field as plan A).

But I have to say, there is nothing for me that would indicate Hughes is incapable of winning trophies. Every team has dips in form and by all means, I am ready to admit we do, even after a draw at Anfield, but it's not the end of the world. I would hate to see our owners hastily changing managers any time we do not win convincingly. Some people (and Pam, I think you are not one of them) think it's just changing Hughes out, but it's the whole back team pretty much..with people having only recently been assigned new roles as well. Imagine being at school and having all your teachers changed one day, with everyone coming in with new methods and ways to do things. 3 things will happen:

1) honeymoon period. We saw this early last season with Hughes and this season as well. Pompey battering, Arsenal match - the pupils are just up to prove their worth
2) reality sinks in. The pupils go 'but Mr. Dawson let me eat an apple in class'. Think Elano last season. He was so used to Sven and his loose discipline he could not adopt to Hughes.. in general the team started to suffer and perform badly as people actually started to adjust to his reign.
3) fans get impatient. Last Christmas, the Hughes outers really took off. 'We played so good to start off, Hughes is turning quality players into average players'. You know what, it just happens, it is called gelling and it is a reality.

A part of me actually anticipates what would happen if Hughes outers got their way and 3 months from that day we'd start getting the Hiddink outers or the Hodges outers or whatnot. Adjusting just takes time and I have faith in mr. Hughes that he will come good with the time and success will come..

Why? Khaldoon & Sheikh Mansour believing so seems a good enough reason to me.
Dhenry said:
Pam said:
I think that kind of approach will be readily tolerated where there is a strong chance of trophies at the end of it. If the only way someone like Moriniho can deliver us the title is to bore us rigid, then so be it. I'm sure we'll get over it, most of us. It doesn't have to be glamourous.

Well I have to say, you have been one of the more reasonable argumented people, so I agree to an extent - Mourinho is a fine coach and if you are into football enough, even defensive tactics can be fun to watch - the movements, the covering, the closing down (I was really impressed with Liverpool on 0-0 today, I think they were excellent in destroying our fluid moves, rather than us having booting up the field as plan A).

But I have to say, there is nothing for me that would indicate Hughes is incapable of winning trophies. Every team has dips in form and by all means, I am ready to admit we do, even after a draw at Anfield, but it's not the end of the world. I would hate to see our owners hastily changing managers any time we do not win convincingly. Some people (and Pam, I think you are not one of them) think it's just changing Hughes out, but it's the whole back team pretty much..with people having only recently been assigned new roles as well. Imagine being at school and having all your teachers changed one day, with everyone coming in with new methods and ways to do things. 3 things will happen:

1) honeymoon period. We saw this early last season with Hughes and this season as well. Pompey battering, Arsenal match - the pupils are just up to prove their worth
2) reality sinks in. The pupils go 'but Mr. Dawson let me eat an apple in class'. Think Elano last season. He was so used to Sven and his loose discipline he could not adopt to Hughes.. in general the team started to suffer and perform badly as people actually started to adjust to his reign.
3) fans get impatient. Last Christmas, the Hughes outers really took off. 'We played so good to start off, Hughes is turning quality players into average players'. You know what, it just happens, it is called gelling and it is a reality.

A part of me actually anticipates what would happen if Hughes outers got their way and 3 months from that day we'd start getting the Hiddink outers or the Hodges outers or whatnot. Adjusting just takes time and I have faith in mr. Hughes that he will come good with the time and success will come..

Why? Khaldoon & Sheikh Mansour believing so seems a good enough reason to me.

Brilliant post! I totally agree! Lets not forget that half the fucking team is new this year so it all started again from scratch.

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