Talksport - Not about tevez

Electric Blue said:
I like Alan Brazil, think he has good footballing knowledge and speaks a lot of sense, his books are good also.

On the other hand that Bolton/Essex plonker rag he shares the airwaves with is a grade 1 gobshite.
He actually thought a team was called Patrick Thistle.
He used to support the same side as the locals when he lived up north i.e Bolton, so I suppose he's only following the same rule now he lives in Essex.
Mostly harmless nonsense imo
just dont get caught up the wind ups, most shows have 2 presenters who take oposite points of view on the subject of the day, to generate premium cost phone calls.

best thing is when rags ring in they also give thier reason for supporting them & how long thyve been going ,trying justify thier glory hunting
Yeh listen all day, as I work from home, cant work out why Ian Wright does'nt give us more info sometimes with regards Shaun's fitness. should be working now bloody site!

hate=the rest.....especially irani.....such a prick.....barely educated enough to talk about cricket,never mind anything else....a total twat.....................
I agree with the OP that Hawksby and Jacobs aint bad, the rest of it..well the name talkshite says it all, lowest common denominator trash radio
Durham/Wrighty: Quality show,and have respected Durham a lot more since he bigged us up when we were going for Kaka saying that not only was it a good thing for City, but brilliant to see Kaka playing in the PL. He also said that there was a lot of jealousy from fans of the top4, especially Andy Jacobs, who is a complete twat (Durham never said that, i just did).

Jacobs, Cundy, Brazil & Irani = all washed up, all overpaid.
i listen driving to and from work and get really wound up in the morning when it's all "utd this ,sir alex that" but do enjoy it when brazil is still pissed from the previous night-irani on the other hand is an out and out cnut!!.used to really enjoy hawksbee & jacobs before it went anti-city.danny kelly in the evening is excellent (unless collymores with him)

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