
What totally escapes them is the fact the innocent Liverpool fan was a victim largely due to the actions of his fellow fans previously. Liverpool are despised in Italy, probably more so than in Manchester. The reputation goes before them, yet they behave like animals, and then revert to being victims when it goes wrong, i have sympathy for the innocent fan, but the club and fan base have zero self awareness, they were complicit in the attack on the team bus and did nothing to stop it.

I pointed this same fact out at the time and just begore to a liverpool fan who was on the thread. There actions that night against us were broadcast live on tv around the world. Tv being watched also in Italy. They behaved like they always do, under their own rules which gave the portrayed image to the italians that they wanted to be ultras - that only fired the italians up fir there impending arrival and look what happened

Talk shite summery in action.

I found it funny when he said "I can understand why people wouldn't want City to win it because they think they've bought the title whereas..." and was about to say "whereas Liverpool haven't" but then realised they've just spent 250m on four players (Alisson, VVD, Fabinho, Keita) so he changed the subject.
I pointed this same fact out at the time and just begore to a liverpool fan who was on the thread. There actions that night against us were broadcast live on tv around the world. Tv being watched also in Italy. They behaved like they always do, under their own rules which gave the portrayed image to the italians that they wanted to be ultras - that only fired the italians up fir there impending arrival and look what happened

This is exactly right in my view. They wanted to 'up the Ante' and play at being Ultras, so when some real Ultras turned up and hurt someone why has no-one in the media made this connection and raised it in public... The pro Liverpool agenda, thats why... and absolute disgrace of a club and fans...

And yet people like Saunders still can't understand why the majority of neutrals don't want them to win the league.

In a related point, I see they managed to soil themselves again at a Hillsborough anniversary game... this time tossing flares into the Chelsea fans with zero regard for anyones safety...

Its hard to stomach I know, but I'd rather watch Utd rack up titles than that bunch of scum... And I know a lot of Utd fans that reciprocate this wrt us.

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