
It's all fine and dandy for Chelsea to bid for Stones for 27 million though, Sterling nnnoooooooooooooo that's bad according to this mob, and Delph wanting to better himself? No they want him executing, twats

Yeah, I caught a bit of that on the way home and thought the same myself!
They were saying Stones should go to Chelsea - even though he wouldn't get a lot of game time, as it'll be good for him to play with and learn from better player, in a top 4 team in the CL from mid-table Everton... yet when Delph does it, or Sterling, they organise a lynch mob!
Talks bite are just a sad version of sports radio prostitution

I have no issues with prostitution but as long as it is clear what it is...
The problem even if someone's great is that Durham then ends the call, then misrepresents a caller and get his own digs in last. There's no right of reply at that point - so he'll twist something to make the caller sound like he didn't think it all through properly, and the masses will fall for it.
It's classic straw man argument tactics where you mislead the audience into believing the caller was making a certain point (when he wasn't), thus portraying him as an idiot.

For instance, he gets a City fan to explain why Delph is a good buy -
the City fan phones in and says for 8m he's a no brainer and could play plenty of games.

The City fan is then cut off and thanked, and Durham says, so... City fans only bought him because he was cheap. Is that a proper way to choose players? and just because you've got the money, is it ok to just buy them up as though money doesn't matter? - then adding, is that what City fans are like now? money to burn, and buy anything just because they can? Call in and explain how City think they can just buy for the sake of it!
Call in and say that mate
I caught part of an interview this afternoon on the Awwwksward and Bacon show, roughly around 3:15pm.

It was 2 guests talking about the MLS and the collapse of Chivas USA, then they went on to talk about bringing Acadamy players from the UK over to the US to help them improve as it would be "better than them going up north" Seemed interesting that it was getting such positive promotion when there is so little credit given to what City/New York City have done with Facey and Angelino.

Had to get out of the car to go to work so missed the rest of it. Did anyone else hear it? Was wondering who the guests were and what else was said? bitter as a bowl of sliced lemons, ''Sterling will regret what he did for the rest of his life'' or words to that effect, just fuck off back to your retirement home in Cornwall you withered old twat bitter as a bowl of sliced lemons, ''Sterling will regret what he did for the rest of his life'' or words to that effect, just fuck off back to your retirement home in Cornwall you withered old twat
Agree but later on Brazil set him up to continue the hatchet job by asking Colin if he thought Sterling would get regular starts at City but Warnock hadn't read the script and said that Sterling would play a lot.
Talksport website focussing on us getting 31,000 at the MCG while Liverpool got 95,000 two years ago. Apparently we're rich but not big. I think they've got the message that City fans have no time for them so most of their output is about bigging up the rags and dippers and taking the piss out of us. Must really annoy them that we don't give a shit and no-one ever calls their phone ins.

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