
20 years from now, it will suddenly dawn on bitter cunts like Mark Saggers and Stan Collymore that the so called "ruiners of football" were providing some of the most entertaining football ever seen on these shores and they completely missed it because they were too busy moaning and bitching about some average Englishman not getting his chance.
Is that Collymore on now?

Whoever it is just said Van Gaal should be replaced with the two Nevilles, Beckham, Butt, Scholes and Giggs who would be the coaching staff and they'd swap around as manager. Priceless!
Is that Collymore on now?

Whoever it is just said Van Gaal should be replaced with the two Nevilles, Beckham, Butt, Scholes and Giggs who would be the coaching staff and they'd swap around as manager. Priceless!
Heard Goldstein laughing at him in the background.
As I say, he's certifiably insane.

Not to mention a vile hypocrite.

Was watching Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse on telly and dipping in to the farce that is talks*it ( I know , I know but it's serious car -crash radio, I can't tear myself away) and tuned in just in time for the extraordinary view from stanloy that clubs are now owned by very rich men who don't know what they're looking at when it comes to buying players!
Can't even be arsed researching what Txiki and manuel do at City - well done Stan - you are weapons grade ignorant.
Back to Harry and Paul - they're talking more sense about football and they're not even talking about football!
Was watching Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse on telly and dipping in to the farce that is talks*it ( I know , I know but it's serious car -crash radio, I can't tear myself away) and tuned in just in time for the extraordinary view from stanloy that clubs are now owned by very rich men who don't know what they're looking at when it comes to buying players!
Can't even be arsed researching what Txiki and manuel do at City - well done Stan - you are weapons grade ignorant.
Back to Harry and Paul - they're talking more sense about football and they're not even talking about football!
The football sketch reminded me of the rags !!

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