
Great - follow up Doggymoor's filosofee now - ban all loans - then all the young English talent sits on its arse under contract not getting a game anywhere - fuck wit.

As for Oooo Arrr Oooo Arrr on at the moment - talking about foreign player caps - clearly doesn't understand European Labour laws and the freedom to work in any member state for an EU citizen..............
They want to go back to the 80s when England had the worst team in its history and never qualified for any tournaments because young English players were sub-standard and English football was a hooligan-ravaged joke played in crumbling half-empty stadiums. You could not make it up.
This is something that is all too frequently forgotten.
That big list of Chelsea players they just read out that were all on loan - do they not see that its a list of young men earning a living? Do they not realise its unlikely that the clubs they are at could afford them? Like it or not top clubs could buy players if they want to and just let them sit on their arses - of we could have an NFL draft pick pre-season from the vast army of unemployed young footballers that are unattached to a club because the clubs don't want to pay them to do nothing.

As a bucket for carrying water their argument is more of a collander
They have just gone through a huge list of young Chelsea players out on loan, the main gripe on talkshite tonight is youngsters not given chances..
so all these clubs that have taken Chelsea youngsters on loan are denying their own youngsters a chance at 1st team football, cos their place is taken by a loanee..

arf !!
Stanley has just informed us that "City only spend money on the club and the local environment because they can"
What does this even mean?
The man is either seriously confused or intensely stupid.
Stanley has just informed us that "City only spend money on the club and the local environment because they can"
What does this even mean?
The man is either seriously confused or intensely stupid.

Sums it up. Someone should ask him why Chelsea, Arsenal and the rags don't spend money on the local community, all of whom "can" but don't.
He is seriously stupid, and his debating style of shouting louder and louder over anyone who disagrees is the sign of a man with serious anger issues and mental deficiencies.

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