Paul Lake's Left Knee
Well-Known Member
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Canadian ways
You and PLLK might like this.
I'll take the shit from the flash cunts with their posh filtered milk, saying my normal milk is straight from the udder, but I wont take Sterra, fucking awful stuff, fuck me. Like the emergency carton of UHT there used to be in the cupboard in case we ran out. You come down in the morning on a weekend when the milkman (in the days before milk in shops) didnt come, sometimes no milk, fuck, warm UHT on cornflakes is devils spunk.
What the fuck are you on about? Seriously, you of the butter with shit in the corner having a go about a milk that goes through a load of processes before it gets in my brew, saying i'm dirty. Pot calling the kettle black.
At least I can afford a proper vessel to store my milk in the fridge.
Hhmmmmm saltyYou and PLLK might like this.
Right, fuckers. I'm going to take a pic of my milk. I'll be back in an hour.
Stolen from south of the border too...thieving fucking marauding canook cnuts**** is only going to come back with a Tesco bag full of milk.
Stolen from south of the border too...thieving fucking marauding canook cnuts
Thats a genius slogan, is homo milk filtered??