Caught my wife trying to make two cups with one bag Once. Couldnt Adam 'n believe it.
No judge in the world would have convicted you of battery.
Caught my wife trying to make two cups with one bag Once. Couldnt Adam 'n believe it.
You have a shitty corner of your butter?? Dirty bag o milk ****.
You'll mix any old shite with anything you, you filthy ****. Reminds me of a Romanian lad I lived with in my first year at Uni, he used to dunk his toast in his brew, gypsy ways.
Fuck off you straight from the udder, covered in cow shit, non filtered, bottle of sterra drinking whippet fucker.
Fuck off you straight from the udder, covered in cow shit, non filtered, bottle of sterra drinking whippet fucker.
What's filtered out if it?We should start a go fund page to buy PLLK a carton of filtered milk for Christmas.
We should start a go fund page to buy PLLK a carton of filtered milk for Christmas.
We should start a go fund page to buy PLLK a carton of filtered milk for Christmas.
What's filtered out if it?
What's filtered out if it?