Terry Christian the T**T

Now now ladies lets all play nice!

Rags, Munchens, Tw*ts, does it really matter what there called and where they are from?
east2 said:
I will be at a friends b'day party this month and he will be there,should i knock fuck out of him or ignore the little twat!
last summer after they won the league he was mouthing off, I threatend to do him and he shit himself!

ask him if he is such a big fan of the rags. why was he sat in a talk shite station when the rags are playing, or is he only in it for the money
and why does he try and speak like a manc when he is a yoner carrot cruncher
''If you dont want to play for the biggest club in the world, your just in it for the money - just ask lifelong Man City fan Gareth Barry''

Please rephrase it to this Tezza Fuckwit.

''If you dont want to play for the biggest debt ridden club in the world, your just in it for the money - just ask lifelong Man City fan Gareth Barry''

Thats better.
dannybcity said:
skiddypants said:
Where the f**k does he think that accent comes from...I've got a strong manc accent and it sounds nothing like that..

He Sounds like salford mixed with scouse...His mouth is lop-sided and his eeeerrrrrrrrrrr are extra long..

The tosseeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

You get that with rags, they over compensate to show that they are 'real Manc's'.

True! Loads of people seem to over accentuate their Mancunian-ness, they sound like they're talking through their nose and back of their throat and it comes out like an annoying note out of a trumpet! I bet when these people go to see their Mams they speak dead posh, haha!

I cant say nowt about accents though! When i was at uni i lived with 2 lads from Oldham, 2 lads from Cumbria and a lad from Barnsley and i went out with a Scouse girl for 2 years while i was there! So i have a tiny hint of each of their accents as well as my general Mancunian accent! I just sound like a thick northerner really, but im not thick, honestly! (??)
east2 said:
I will be at a friends b'day party this month and he will be there,should i knock fuck out of him or ignore the little twat!
last summer after they won the league he was mouthing off, I threatend to do him and he shit himself!
Give him a good slap the horrible wretch.
baz burger said:
east2 said:
I will be at a friends b'day party this month and he will be there,should i knock fuck out of him or ignore the little twat!
last summer after they won the league he was mouthing off, I threatend to do him and he shit himself!
Give him a good slap the horrible wretch.

Kill him.

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