Terry Christian wants to be Mayor of Manchester

denislawsbackheel said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
What a completely ridiculous post.
Anthony H. Wilson has undoubtedly done more in his,(sadly),brief life to promote Manchester,its musical legacy and its nightlife than anyone else in my lifetime.
He was a tireless campaigner for the city,was constantly singing its praises,was responsible for signing some of the best bands in the world,(all Mancunians,or Salfordians if you want to split hairs),and created the greatest nightclub on the planet,(voted "club of the year" by Mixmag a record 6 times).
Yes,he was a rag - but if you can't see past that and recognise his massive contribution to our great city,then I feel sorry for you.
He would have made a cracking lord mayor,and would have got my vote in a heartbeat.
Your comments are both ignorant and disrespectful to a great man who is sorely missed by anyone who truly loves Manchester.

Never met the twat then?

Yes - I knew the "twat" well,and I stand by saying that his achievements in respect of Manchester are unequalled by anyone else in my lifetime.
Of course he was arrogant - that is the default setting for all successful Mancunians since time began,from Shaun Ryder & Bez,through to the Gallaghers.
Who the fuck would you want as mayor - someone who lived and breathed the city and spent his entire life trying to improve things,(Manchester was a derelict,dying ghetto pre-Hacienda and Factory),or some faceless,bland politician like London have?
Some of you just can't get over other Mancunians making it good,can you?
Or the "rag" tag.
Pathetic,infantile jealousy.
successful Mancunians - Bez!
I'm still laughing.

Wilson was born in Salford, Lancashire. His German grandfather came to Salford in 1901, and his family ran three jewellers' shops before moving, when he was five, to the leafier Marple, near Stockport. His mother felt it would be a better place to bring him up, but he kept in contact with the grittier, more darkly romantic Salford. After passing his 11-plus, Wilson won a place at the Catholic boys De La Salle grammar school in Salford. Wikipedia

So what qualified Wilson as a Manc? Living here doesn't make you a Manc.
denislawsbackheel said:
successful Mancunians - Bez!
I'm still laughing.

If I owned a 6 bedroomed farmhouse in Glossop that was bought with cash,spent my entire "working" life getting well paid,with free drugs thrown in,for shaking maracas, never had to do a days work in my life ever again,and started off as a Little Hulton scallie with jack shit,I would probably view it as a success.
If you think differently,then I would love to see your definition of failure.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
denislawsbackheel said:
successful Mancunians - Bez!
I'm still laughing.

If I owned a 6 bedroomed farmhouse in Glossop that was bought with cash,spent my entire "working" life getting well paid,with free drugs thrown in,for shaking maracas, never had to do a days work in my life ever again,and started off as a Little Hulton scallie with jack shit,I would probably view it as a success.
If you think differently,then I would love to see your definition of failure.

how pathetic
anyway I don't understand how you lot define Mancunian.
Bez was born in Little Hulton. That is NOT Manchester.
denislawsbackheel said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
If I owned a 6 bedroomed farmhouse in Glossop that was bought with cash,spent my entire "working" life getting well paid,with free drugs thrown in,for shaking maracas, never had to do a days work in my life ever again,and started off as a Little Hulton scallie with jack shit,I would probably view it as a success.
If you think differently,then I would love to see your definition of failure.

how pathetic

In what way,exactly?
Care to elaborate?
Or is it just a throwaway comment on a lost argument?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Llewellyn Dowd said:
Anthony Wilson would have been worse, but he's dead of course, so no worries there then!

What a completely ridiculous post.
Anthony H. Wilson has undoubtedly done more in his,(sadly),brief life to promote Manchester,its musical legacy and its nightlife than anyone else in my lifetime.
He was a tireless campaigner for the city,was constantly singing its praises,was responsible for signing some of the best bands in the world,(all Mancunians,or Salfordians if you want to split hairs),and created the greatest nightclub on the planet,(voted "club of the year" by Mixmag a record 6 times).
Yes,he was a rag - but if you can't see past that and recognise his massive contribution to our great city,then I feel sorry for you.
He would have made a cracking lord mayor,and would have got my vote in a heartbeat.
Your comments are both ignorant and disrespectful to a great man who is sorely missed by anyone who truly loves Manchester.

ok, he maybe mr manchester, i just didnt like him, he seemed an arrogant smug git
denislawsbackheel said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
If I owned a 6 bedroomed farmhouse in Glossop that was bought with cash,spent my entire "working" life getting well paid,with free drugs thrown in,for shaking maracas, never had to do a days work in my life ever again,and started off as a Little Hulton scallie with jack shit,I would probably view it as a success.
If you think differently,then I would love to see your definition of failure.

how pathetic
anyway I don't understand how you lot define Mancunian.
Bez was born in Little Hulton. That is NOT Manchester.

No,you are quite right.
Only people born in Piccadilly Gardens,live their lives as tramps on Deansgate and never leave the city boundaries should be considered for Lord Mayor.
What they have actually done for the city is irrelevant.
I give up.

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