Test Driving A Car

Have any of you ever shagged a girl for the sake of it, just because you wanted to shag her, knowing you’ve got no intention of going out with her?

I’d like to shag a high class call girl, I am going to buy one, but not until next year at the earliest. But I want to shag one NOW to see if I like it or not. :-)

What’s a good excuse to fend off an eager girl after you've shagged her, apart from sorry I don’t like it? :-(
Not had one yet that disappoints - just set your expectations accordingly.
Depends how long you spend in a car each day. At one stage of my career I was doing over 700 miles a week, just to and from the office. Spent more time sat in my car than on my sofa, when you do that, comfort, driving position and the ergonomics become very important.
Be honest. Go to the dealership and say you're looking at buying one next year and would they mind if you sat in one, looked at the boot size and a few features, just so you know a little more.

Go at a quiet time and tell the salesman that you aren't ready to buy and therefore wouldn't want to waste his time with a test drive.

You might get offered a drive anyway and ask to be put on their mailing list etc ..
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I don’t drive but would surely want to test it first. I wouldn’t buy a pair of jeans without trying them on.
It's worth testing a used car just in case the previous owner has messed something up.
The seats might be fucked if a 30 stone lard arse has been using them regularly.

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