Tevez Interview

All i see here Is his refusal to warm up, one of the reasons to be sent to warm up is to put a bit of spark with the players on the pitch, in other words buck up or your off, even if bobby had said Carlos get them leopard skin thongs on run up an down the line singing I'm a leader of the gang like Gary glitter he should do it, I would for his money.
adammck said:
Sorry this is unrelated... But is there still a rule about the amount of games you must play to receive a premier league medal (if we win the league)?

would this rule deduct the games a player refuses to play?
You know I have to see it from both sides

It is unacceptable that he refused to warm up but given mancini shouting at a player because he was upset you can see that your pride would get in the way

To be fair we did see in the videos that mancini was going off the wall because he got his tactics wrong

While I dont sympthaise with tevez cuz he should have gone on to warm up I have to understand his point of view where mancini misunderstood what he said then went on to the world to say he refused to play damaging his credability

Tevez should have come out and did more and more interviews to explain what happend instead of feeling vicitimised and going back to Argentina making the world solidify him as the villan
zlaz3r said:
First of this isn't a new interview but an old one. it's from 13-2-2012

Now its interesting about Mancini putting his frustration from Dzeko out on Carlos
It's not a new thing that Carlos was always undermining Mancini´s Leadership.
Now Mancini always had too fight about respect from the start, Adebayor, Bellamy and Carlos. He now see´s one of his good boy's Dzeko acting like a primadonna and that his current primadonna has sat down because he "thought" he had warmed up enough.
I can see it from Carlos point of view, given i know he is small minded, that it was unfair how Mancini acted, and that he put his frustration out on him.

I also understand Mancini that while he had too deal with one primadonna, the current one doesn't need too quest-en his position.
I think i believe the history because it adds up with the fines and such.
But Carlos is still a **** of the highest order.

First off he doesn't understand why Mancini stripped him off from the armband ? even thou he knew he had asked for a transfer twice before. why does he need too know a reason too get stripped it was fucking obvious...

Also he doesn't decide when he has warmed up enough or not, Mancini decides.
He doesn't decide what tactics Mancini should use or not, the Manager who have gone too school too learn about tactics, the one with the most experience, the one who have won back too back silverware does, not Carlos.
Mancini subbed De jong in for Dzeko because we were getting overrun in the middle, and needed too control the game a bit before we would go for the kill. Mancini has proved again and again that he is a master tactician.

Players should act like players, and not more.
Mancini removed all the players that thought they were more than that. That's why he is the boss.

Nice post. Totally agree.

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