Tevez talk sport

LoveCity said:
sjk2008 said:
Yet he was kept quiet by Richards and Steven fucking Caulker last night.

In an international game... barely an international game, an Olympic game where it was evident Cavani's heart wasn't in it (unlike at Napoli where his workrate is tremendous). If we judge players on international performances, neither Messi or Ronaldo is a top 10 player in the world and Javi Martinez belongs in League One based on his Olympic performances.

For me, Falcao pisses all over Cavani.

I rate Falcao higher too but Cavani is a fantastic striker also.

I wasn't basing my argument on an 'Olympic' game as such. Just that you can't really pick and choose which games you want to take into consideration when judging one's ability.

Cavani is a very good player, no doubt. But, I do think there's a slight over optimism on him and I honestly don't think he'd cut it in the premiership, whereas with Falcao I do.

Why can't Cavani put his heart into an international match which is to help his country and himself win Gold medals?

I've seen him play well, such as when they beat you at home, I've seen him non-existant like at Chelsea away.

It's all opinions of course.
TalkSport were notified of this by a guy on Twitter called @Agent_WHU.

His tweets were:

"West Ham United FC have agreed a 6 month loan deal to take an Agentinian striker subject to a Dutch player going elsewhere."

"We have everything agreed with the club and the player, it all comes down to 1 element. Now we wait. The Boards backing is HUGE!"

It's an odd one but I have a weird feeling that it's true. I just don't see how it helps us in any way.
No chance should Tevez be moved on after the pre-season he's had and the way he's knuckled down, I seriously believe he could be our best player again next season.
The Goat 10 said:
No chance should Tevez be moved on after the pre-season he's had and the way he's knuckled down, I seriously believe he could be our best player again next season.
Agreed. Aguero and Tevez will tear this League apart.

Of the players who have been transferred the only ones I would have liked would have been Alba and Thiago Silva
Tevez to West Ham and Mario to Norwich on a season long loan.......now where did i leave that crack pipe !


Again on Carlitos Tevez. The Milan is back to talk with Manchester City because he wants to bring to San Siro Argentine striker. It seeks the right formula, Galliani aims to repeat the two summers ago when he took Ibrahimovic from Barcelona. The sheikhs of Milan proposes to take the player on loan and to set a compulsory redemption, payable in two installments.

<a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.mediaset.it/&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMEDIASET%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3Dwkl%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26prmd%3Dimvnsuz&sa=X&ei=CkkcUIHzOOyV0QXU-4HwDQ&ved=0CG0Q7gEwAA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... CG0Q7gEwAA</a>
Cityisland said:


Again on Carlitos Tevez. The Milan is back to talk with Manchester City because he wants to bring to San Siro Argentine striker. It seeks the right formula, Galliani aims to repeat the two summers ago when he took Ibrahimovic from Barcelona. The sheikhs of Milan proposes to take the player on loan and to set a compulsory redemption, payable in two installments.

<a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://www.mediaset.it/&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMEDIASET%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3Dwkl%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26prmd%3Dimvnsuz&sa=X&ei=CkkcUIHzOOyV0QXU-4HwDQ&ved=0CG0Q7gEwAA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... CG0Q7gEwAA</a>

Another piss taking offer from them. At least they are consistent.

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