tevez to stay at city ??

Tevez City said:
shikariblue said:
Best players on the planet? He was.

Seeing him this year, he isn't in the top 3 strikers at the club.

Did you really see him this year ?
He only started two games and one of these games he was excellent ( Against Wigan )

I can understand people describing him as bad apple, disgrace ....etc
BUT he is the best striker in the Premier league in the last two seasons.#FACT

that was before he started on the argentinian pasties; also even when he was good he completely fucked up the balance of the team - he was as greedy with the ball then as he is with the pies now
Was the best striker for the last two seasons but has constantly challenged Mancini's authority on and off the pitch in that time ...Munich was the final straw and Mancini could see from his attitude that nothing was ever going to change, wether it was a warm up issue or refusal to come on (no difference for me 'attitude' wise), which is in my opinion when he decided 'fuck you Carlos you will never play for me again'...I do not think he will recant either. Thanks for the goals Carlos...now fuck off.
ctidcarl said:
I've never had a problem with Tevez on the pitch, he HAS always given 100% on the pitch.

Not this season, when he came on against Bolton looking 2 stone overweight and took an appalling penalty to boot. We look so much more of a TEAM without him the difference is like night and day. He and has puppetmaster Kia have constantly tried to take the piss out of the club, I cannot wait until he is unceremoniusly booted out and his career goes down the toilet.
under the stewardship of roberto mancini, i honestly believe we will never see him in a city shirt. forza mancini<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:19 am --<br /><br />
blue 68 said:
I hate him. Just wish he'd vanish, hint hint, his poison is so obvious and blues who can't see this, well......, second chance, he's had two already.
Nige dump KIA.
Really hope i'm right and we actually break that little d#go ****. Whole episode makes me want to attack the slimey shit on sight.
Well done City for doing it properly.

on that point, i'm really concerned about this whole de jong getting on board with kia and not signing a new contract lark. it wouldnt suprise me if we end up sacrificing de jong to get the twat kia out of our club
Tevez City said:
shikariblue said:
Best players on the planet? He was.

Seeing him this year, he isn't in the top 3 strikers at the club.

Did you really see him this year ?
He only started two games and one of these games he was excellent ( Against Wigan )

I can understand people describing him as bad apple, disgrace ....etc
BUT he is the best striker in the Premier league in the last two seasons.#FACT

Why are you quoting in red?

His penalty against Wigan was one of the shittest I've ever seen. He may have been good in the last 2 seasons but he's nothing now and he only has himself to blame. A change of username perhaps?
Not a chance, gone in Jan for about half what we wanted in the summer....what worries me is that I can see the club trying to rid Kia from City in anyway, so that doesn't look good for DeJong's time here.
i really have a burning hatred for tevez and that **** kia.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Not a chance, gone in Jan for about half what we wanted in the summer....what worries me is that I can see the club trying to rid Kia from City in anyway, so that doesn't look good for DeJong's time here.

Sorry but I'd give players an ultimatum. Deal with Kia then find a new club.
dref619 said:
under the stewardship of roberto mancini, i honestly believe we will never see him in a city shirt. forza mancini

-- Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:19 am --

blue 68 said:
I hate him. Just wish he'd vanish, hint hint, his poison is so obvious and blues who can't see this, well......, second chance, he's had two already.
Nige dump KIA.
Really hope i'm right and we actually break that little d#go ****. Whole episode makes me want to attack the slimey shit on sight.
Well done City for doing it properly.

on that point, i'm really concerned about this whole de jong getting on board with kia and not signing a new contract lark. it wouldnt suprise me if we end up sacrificing de jong to get the twat kia out of our club

Tbh, much as it pains me to say it, if NDJ keeps in bed with that twat Kia then I wouldn't be bothered to see him leave the club. He's a great player but if we can cope without the top goalscorer in the league for the last two years then we can replace a DM a lot more easily.......

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