
It stings to hear Carlos speak ill of Manchester, and even though we all know he is automatic 100% every time he steps on the pitch, after a while it just starts to grate on one's nerves.

I have mixed feelings. The football fan in me salivates at the thought of Tevez and Aguero on the same pitch together, but my heart wants City to be filled with players who know how to commit to a team and a city. Look, we all know that players, especially in the "new" MCFC era, are drawn by the money. But I can't help but hold onto the idea that some players are also drawn by the chance to win silverware, be a part of a true "team" in every sense of the word, feel the camaraderie, and take part in the special fellowship that can sometimes develop between a club's players and its fans. I see that in Vinny Kompany, Joe Hart, and a few others on this squad. I'm not naive, I know it's a business and all the lads are looking after their own careers, but for gods sake, at least humor the fans Carlos!

Part of me tries to explain it away by saying that Tevez is a largely uneducated kid from the worst streets of Buenos Aires, a kid who saw some hard shit in his early life, came up through hard work and pure love of football. The guy has to be passionate to play like he does. You see his love for his family plainly displayed.. even though as City fans know it sometimes pulls him away from feeling truly at home in Manchester. How mad can I be at a guy who would've left one of the biggest clubs in the world as they were poised to make serious runs at every trophy for which they compete and transfer to Corinthians (no slouches in South America, but obscure in comparison) and take a pay cut, just to be closer to his family and make them (and himself) happy? Tevez doesn't think like most of us. I think he came up by being true to himself and his loved ones and not kissing the ass of any organization, boss, manager, new language, foreign culture, or fan to gain acceptance, and that is what he will continue to do. Love his family.

Unfortunately for City fans, we never had a shot at being a part of that family. At best he was a cool uncle, in and out of jail, who thrilled us with flashes of brilliance on those rare occasions that the whole family actually got together for a holiday dinner (before getting drunk and saying a bunch of hurtful shite before mom kicked him out).

The good news? We know Tevez, he could be completely "happy" with his situation for these next few months for all we know, before the inevitable complaining and transfer probably happens. I say we City fans do the smart thing and enjoy it while it lasts. Grab a sixpack, put a turkey in the oven and get the kids from their bedrooms... Uncle Carlos is coming over.
As long as he is still here and prepared to go onto the pitch and give his all , he will always be in my starting line up. It is inevitable he will leave , if it is in January then so be it , but until he leaves officially , he should be on the pitch .
any squad/ team with tevez is better than one without.

i fucking love carlos. to be fair to him manchester is shit, its full of scrotes who what to smash the place up and it rain all the fucking time!!
so if Mancini's comments today ring true re: no one is interested in Tevez, anyone think how powerful of a side we will have?

we had a sublime side last season, and it's quite possible we are bringing in one of the top 3-5 strikers in the world and one of England's best attacking midfielders, without losing anyone of importance. That Edin Dzeko, one of Europe's most prolific strikers over the last 3 seasons will be our 3rd/4th striker speaks for our strength itself.

Hopefully Aguero and his family coming to Manchester and adding to the Argentina contingent will keep Carlos the slightest bit happy, and our club could really reap the benefits.
i think it is fuckin hilarious that carlos has been left up shit creek without a paddle by that nobhead of an agent kia whatever-the-fuck his name is..

stan laurel & oliver hardy,circa 1929....

laurel and hardy,eat your heart out....
The only worry would be is if he remains the driving force then Corinthians buy him in January, that could destablize our system some. If he stays, it would ideally be for the entire season.
LoveCity said:
The only worry would be is if he remains the driving force then Corinthians buy him in January, that could destablize our system some. If he stays, it would ideally be for the entire season.

We all know players tend to cost more in Jan. Provided our other strikers have settled I would have no problem in letting him leave for the right price. Hopefully we will be less dependent on his goals this season with Aguero coming in.

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