
Will never forgive his actions but life is too short to dwell on the past - so come on Carlos lets score the goals and lift the trophies.
oakiecokie said:
Its about time this subject was finally put to bed.He`s paid the price,he`s done his time and now the lad actually looks like he does does give a fuck about the Club and himself.
I`ve always said that IMO for what it`s worth,the lad was suffering from depression and linked with personal problems,this could have been his downfall.
We should forget what`s happened in the past and concentrate on the future.
The lad looks in far better shape both physically and mentally,so lets give him a chance and get behind him.
Very strange that there`s no noise coming from Kia the Kunt !!! Perhaps that was the real problem and maybe Carlos has told him to shut the fuck up.
I`ve forgiven him,so I just wish others would.
We can forgive but I know its in the memory of many on BM,but the old saying "let him who cast the ..." you know the rest.
Anyone perfect ??

Good post this. Especially the Kia influence. I am pretty sure the root of the problem ws that Kia had cooked up 'a cunning plan' to get Tevez to Italy on the cheap and Kia to get pocket a fat commission on the savings. Tevez going awol was their big move, but we played it better. Game, set and match City!
fatbloke said:
No one can debate his talent, that is there for all to see but the man is a **** and always will be a ****. He whored himself out to every club in world football but when no one took a chance on him in January he came whimpering back with his tail firmly between his legs. The "Munich" incident was just the final straw, he's handed in transfer requests twice before that and made it abundantly clear he hates Manchester. The only reason he is here is for money and because no other club wants him or can afford him.

I don't expect any player to have the same love for the club as we do because they're not fans, they're here to do a job and that's fine but what he did was completely disrespectful and I personally don't think he ever made a sincere apology to the fans. All it needed was a "I'm sorry" message on his shirt or something after a goal, like the messages back home to Fort Apache. I know there was a statement on the website but it was just bog standard, half hearted attempt to me.

A little bit nearer the truth than some of the rubbish thats been posted on this thread by blues impressed by a player committed to our club and fully fit...that is the most basic requirement for a player on over 200k a week..turn up for work, do your best, and stay fit. wow..i,m so impressed carlos.
Skashion said:
The_Mo said:
He will probably lead the line ahead of Aguero now that it seems as though he is staying.
Why? He's not as good as Aguero.

Fuck me its great to be City with all the best forwards WE have think blue and be true
So nobody ever loses their temper and says things they do not intend in the heat of a blow up...!!!...The guy is genuine and a top player as we will see this year, look at his fitness, from the look of him he is going for the golden boot...!!!
I think we all did somethings stupid or evil at young age, but we'll realize and correct them when we grow up.
Give him a chance to repent, and I believe he will do his best for the fans and club.
Love can cure anything, love NEVER fails.
Now tevez has been playing quite well this season however after 6 months spent on holidays and him quietly approaching 29, does anyone think maybe Tevez has passed his prime ?

I feel like he has lost some of his speed and arrogance in front of goal he had in his first 2 years with us. I feel like he may score like 20 goals but it will keep on going down from there. He just seems less lethal than before now.

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