Tevez's agent on SSN...

I'm not completely happy with the guy but at least he gives his all on the pitch. If he had pulled a Robinho we'd be looking forward to playing in that stupid Europa League again.
AdamoTheGreat said:
Carlos Tevez: When I leave Manchester City I won't even go back there for a holiday
Argentina international striker vows never to return to Manchester once his deal with the Blues expires in future as he suggests there is a boring lifestyle there

The 27-year-old has been linked with an exit from the Eastlands outfit with both Juventus and Inter seemingly interested in the Argentina international.

Tevez admits settling down in Manchester has been tough, while claiming he has reconciled his relationship with Albiceleste coach Sergio Batista after making the provisional Copa America squad.

"There is nothing to do in Manchester. I speak bad English still. When my contract ends in three years then I will not return to Manchester, not even for a holiday," he told Playfutbol.

On his return to the national team, after being dropped in the past for previous misdemeanors, he added: "We spoke about certain things and I told him [Batista] how I felt. He thought something of me, but I said it was not like that. In anycase, everything is clear now."

The Manchester City striker had previously thought about hanging up his boots next year, but that appears unlikely.

"I have always said I would retire when I was 28, but I think I will continue a bit more," he concluded.

He's making 20m per year, banging some beautiful 19-year-old pop singer, eating the finest foods, playing football as a world class icon, and he's bored? Fuck.

Pay me half and I'm sure I'll find something to pass the time in Manchester!
One of the most vibrant, culturaly significant cities on the planet and he's bored? Dear me. I love the guy as a player but fuck me he's a moaning little shit.

On a side note however if those are indeed his comments then he has just said he will honour is contract and will be here for another 3 seasons at least.
only on bluemoon could exellent news come out and still people are bikering and arguing, get a f**kin grip.

I'm with you on the arguing, but it's extremely difficult to post on here whilst riding a bike.[/quote]

He's such a ****. He's lived here for how many years and speaks no English. Moans about too much money in football then takes 200k a week. Lives in Manchester and moans about it while he's here. Pathetic moaning twat.
No where in that clip/article does he complain about Manchester. He actually is embarrassed at his bad English.

La ex novia de Carlos Tevez se negó a sentarse en el living de Susana
La diva entrevistó al delantero e intentó que su ex pareja y madre de sus hijas se sume a la charla, pero la joven lo rechazó tajantemente. “No, y menos después que se sentó una ex de él a hablar ahí”, afirmó. Teléfono para Brenda Asnicar.

The ex GF of Tevez refuses to sit on the program Living with Susana

The diva interviewed the forward and tried to get his ex to join the chat but the young woman irritably refused. "No, even less so after his (other) ex sat and spoke there.
(The show had Tevez's lover on a few days before and, rightfully so, the mother of his kids felt the previous interview disrespected her.)

De vacaciones en Argentina luego de una larga temporada con el Manchester City de Inglaterra, Carlitos Tevez se tomó un ratito para pasar por el living de Susana Giménez y hablar se todo.

On holiday in Argentina after a long season with Manchester City of England, CT took a bit of time to pass by Living and spoke of everything.

El “Apache” presentó a sus hijas Katie y Florencia, y reveló su deseo de volver con Vanesa Mansilla, su ex novia de la infancia y madre de las dos nenas. “Quiero reconquistar a mi mujer. Lo estoy intentando. Uno a veces se equivoca y no se da cuenta cuando tiene a una mujer de oro al lado. Uno ya es grande y sabe cuando alguien está por amor al lado suyo”, señaló el delantero.

El Apache presented his kids and revealed his desire to get back with Vanessa M, his childhood sweetheart and mother of his girls. I want to win back my wife. I am trying. Sometimes one is wrong and doesn't realise when he has a woman of gold at his side. One has to be big and know when the someone you love is at your side.

Tevez precisó que usa el inglés como arma de seducción. “Me la encaro en inglés. Le digo “Very difficult” y ya está”. Y, enseguida, reconoció: “Ahora, está very difficult con ella”.

Tevez needed to use English as a weapon of seduction. "I had to face up to it in English. I said to her 'Very difficult and that's all. And, then, he recognised (in Spanglish): "now things are very difficult with her.

La chala entre la diva de los teléfonos y el delantero argentino tuvo un pico de tensión cuando Susana invitó a Vanesa a sumarse a la entrevista, pero ella se negó con una tajante respuesta. “No, y menos después que se sentó una ex de él a hablar de él ahí. Yo soy popular y tengo más códigos”, afirmó, en clara referencia a la nota que la rubia le realizó días atrás a Brenda Asnicar.

The chat between the diva and CT has a bit of tension when Susana invited Vanesa to join the interview. She coldly refused, "No, even less so after his (other) ex sat and spoke there(on the couch).

Las palabras de la joven cayó como un balde de agua fría tanto para Susana como para Tevez. “¡Como te deben tener a vos! ¡Desde la mañana así!”, bromeó la diva, a lo que el “Apache” respondió: “Me está agarrando un calor, ¿podemos cambiar de tema por favor?”.

The words of the young woman were like cold water in the face for the host as for CT. She joked, "We should have had you all(the 2 ex's) Maybe tomorrow!" to which el Apache responded, "It's getting hot in here. Can we change the subject?

Un momento incomodo que se intentó olvidar entre risas.

An uncomfortable moment that he tried to forget among the laughs.
if you was milionaire want you go on a trash telly program to pray your former wife to get you back ??

great player , very little man.
In the video, he's asked about the climate and he says he wants a house on the beach but that's not possible and the houses costs 5 or 6 million sterling. "It's better to rent." They agree England is expensive. (He makes 200,000 a week and he's worried about house prices? Odd but could be relative to his audience.)

Then she asks how many more years will you be in Manchester. He's says 3 more years. She says then we can have an interview in English. He says, I'm a mute (when speaking English)...then I think he says, I can get my ideas across in English. The host says that's why the people love you.

BTW, his 'mujer' is quite the looker. What was he thinking?

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