Thaksin returns to Thailand and is arrested

Same for me but 34 years going back to 1989, never felt unsafe ,never been tricked,scammed etc,you have to keep your wits about you obviously , too many people go and get too pissed and disrespect Thai's,thats when the trouble starts.

That’s exactly correct. EXTREMELY safe. Can walk around anywhere in Bangkok pissed as a fart anytime and you will be safe.

Just keep your head below the parapet, don’t act like an obnoxious asshole. If you think you might be getting ripped off for a few quid, maybe protest a bit and if that doesn’t work let things lie. Thais are slow to anger but when they do- look out.

It’s very nuanced but never cause a Thai to lose face. That’s a concept foreign to our way of thinking. A Thai make would rather cut off one of his nuts than lose face.
I would rather have Thaksin today if it was a choice over these yanks that have infiltrated the leagues.
I shudder to think where we’d have ended up had Thaksin stayed. Sven’s sacking was classless and then there was the attempted fire sale of players.

Let’s face it, Warnock and Allardyce would have both had a spell here as manager.
I shudder to think where we’d have ended up had Thaksin stayed. Sven’s sacking was classless and then there was the attempted fire sale of players.

Let’s face it, Warnock and Allardyce would have both had a spell here as manager.
Food and drink was good in the stadium. Every cloud and all that
All I'm saying,Iv travelled a lot ,and Thailand is no different than other places Iv travelled to,
for sheer agression and constant pestering,Eygpt,Tunisia but especially Morocco are the worst Iv experianced,it was unbearable,

I lived in Morocco. Marrakesh is awful. The rest of it is fine. Never felt ripped off when I was there, other than one taxi driver one time in over 2 years (and my landlady every month). I was living in Vietnam when I first went to Thailand, and it was the contrast between the two that really hit me. Vietnam was probably worse for general pestering in the tourist areas, but in Thailand, it was the more sophisticated attempts that irritated me more. The sort where you think someone is genuinely speaking to you and then a few minutes into the conversation, they're selling you something or trying something on. I just felt like every conversation was a transaction, which isn't something I felt in Vietnam. If a bunch of blokes invite you to join them for a drink, chances are they're just inviting you for a drink and a chat, not trying to sell you something or bring you to an overpriced mafia-run bar. I just didn't find Thailand a particular friendly country, to be honest.

Having said all that, I now live in Malaysia, which is a million times better than either in terms of this sort of thing. I can't say I even know about any common scams here (I'm sure there are some). Even compared to common European tourist hotspots, there's fuck all. I've never been asked to pay any 'facilitation' money in any context.

travel in east africa where they have open discrimination for admission prices,Tanzanian citizen cheapest price right down to non africans dearest price, a government official there still owes me £20 from 1993 when he said i needed a visa to enter,although I told him I didnt need one when i'd entered Tanzania a few weeks back before leaving,it was either pay it or get a " no entry " in my passport.
Thailand definitely has dual prices on attractions. 500 baht for the Royal Palace in Bangkok, but free for locals. That's the same in most of the Asian countries I've been to.
I shudder to think where we’d have ended up had Thaksin stayed. Sven’s sacking was classless and then there was the attempted fire sale of players.

Let’s face it, Warnock and Allardyce would have both had a spell here as manager.
No Thaksin, no Mansour
I lived in Morocco. Marrakesh is awful. The rest of it is fine. Never felt ripped off when I was there, other than one taxi driver one time in over 2 years (and my landlady every month). I was living in Vietnam when I first went to Thailand, and it was the contrast between the two that really hit me. Vietnam was probably worse for general pestering in the tourist areas, but in Thailand, it was the more sophisticated attempts that irritated me more. The sort where you think someone is genuinely speaking to you and then a few minutes into the conversation, they're selling you something or trying something on. I just felt like every conversation was a transaction, which isn't something I felt in Vietnam. If a bunch of blokes invite you to join them for a drink, chances are they're just inviting you for a drink and a chat, not trying to sell you something or bring you to an overpriced mafia-run bar. I just didn't find Thailand a particular friendly country, to be honest.

Having said all that, I now live in Malaysia, which is a million times better than either in terms of this sort of thing. I can't say I even know about any common scams here (I'm sure there are some). Even compared to common European tourist hotspots, there's fuck all. I've never been asked to pay any 'facilitation' money in any context.

Thailand definitely has dual prices on attractions. 500 baht for the Royal Palace in Bangkok, but free for locals. That's the same in most of the Asian countries I've been to.
Iv been to Malaysia a few times and had no problems there,Penang as always been one of my favourite places ,Georgetown.not been there for quite a while though,there isn't the drinking and party culture there though like there is in Thailand,so along with that less scams etc.

I travelled all over Morocco from Ceuta right down to Agadir and back,the people great as in all places,but the touts,just off the scale,spoilt the entire trip.

I accept your dual pricing about LOS,me and my son stood outside for 1 hour only this april in the heatwave while my mrs and her family went into the grand palace,been before etc Iv explained to her its not very fair but what can you do
Remember seeing a City fan with '3 Frank' on the back of his shirt around the time of his exile, still makes me chuckle whenever I think of it...
Sadly your right. Or in my case pay people to get things undone. Like when I helped someone who had fallen of a jet-ski...I went over to them on the one I had hired and bumped into theirs. A bit of plastic bounced off and then the owners raced out to us and stopped the hire about 10 minutes into the hour.
They wanted about £600. I told them didn't have it and the guy completely lost it. Another guy said someone was found knifed to death the other day after not paying him. I valued my life at more than £600 so got the money on a credit card and paid. It left a sour taste and put me off Koh Samui for good but when that sort of thing goes on what chance do the local honest hardworking people have. A lesson learned. It's actually a beautiful country and I hope that the people get an honest government and police force but as you say it'll take at least another decade. I sometimes wonder how corrupt the UK is but that's for another day I suppose.

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