Thaksin returns to Thailand and is arrested

Fair enough. Not sure how much he was involved tbh. Always thought it was just a case of Mansour's team looking professionally at the various options. May have been something else though.
I can re re-phrase. They are both from the east. A bit like when you go to the states. Where you from dude? England. Oh awesum. Do you know Geoff from BirmingHam?
I used to work with a guy from Thailand. He was also called Frank. After a few years he decided to return to Bangkok. We offered to buy him a nice new red t-shirt knowing that he was a supporter of the government and would only wear a yellow t-shirt. He politely declined our offer. He was no friend of Thaksin.
I used to work with a guy from Thailand. He was also called Frank. After a few years he decided to return to Bangkok. We offered to buy him a nice new red t-shirt knowing that he was a supporter of the government and would only wear a yellow t-shirt. He politely declined our offer. He was no friend of Thaksin.
You should have bought him a Germany shirt, more appropriate for the present Thai Royal situation.
I shudder to think where we’d have ended up had Thaksin stayed. Sven’s sacking was classless and then there was the attempted fire sale of players.

Let’s face it, Warnock and Allardyce would have both had a spell here as manager.
The sacking of Mark Hughes wasn't exactly managed well, and the less said about how Mancini got binned off the better.
This is 100% spot on. Thailand has potential but will be a basket case as long as the inbred royal family is in charge.

That screwball #10 has yet to name a successor. If he croaks soon ( let’s hope he does), things will be even more chaotic than they have been the past 20 years.

Thailand will continue to suffer a huge brain drain. Potential young leaders/entrepreneurs will leave in droves given half a chance because under this regime there is no future.

The guy denied the PMs office would have been a positive influence. However, the establishment/swamp are scared shitless of any type of change that challenges its place in society even one iota.

Have two homes in Thailand and can see myself spending more time there in the future but would never spend a huge amount of time there.

It’s sad…..
Nowhere’s perfect. In terms of development, Thailand has done pretty well. Good roads - though not everywhere - decent infrastructure, thriving middle class, enterprising people. Many countries are bedevilled by the fact they’ve been subjected to the ‘Glazer’ model of foreign influence - take them over, leech out the profits, load them with debt, invest the minimum - but the Thais have escaped the worst of that. Not saying there isn’t a darker side - where isn’t there one? - but they deserve respect for the positive aspects of their way of life imo and the picture in a lot of other places is gloomier.

I’ll always give props to Thaksin for the role he played in our journey. If he has been naughty he’s hardly unique in that in politics. We have corruption in the west and it creates issues for us too - except we call it lobbying, the revolving door, pay for play, bailouts, tax avoidance and subsidies for billionaires, and little chance of fixing it while we cloak it with euphemisms and explain it away.

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