Thaksin returns to Thailand and is arrested

I shudder to think where we’d have ended up had Thaksin stayed. Sven’s sacking was classless and then there was the attempted fire sale of players.

Let’s face it, Warnock and Allardyce would have both had a spell here as manager.
It already started with Hughes. He wasn't some glamour appointment, he was the only guy they could get. Which is fine if you're a midtable team, but that wasn't our aim.

Allardyce absolutely would have been brought in. There would have probably been a couple of players from the top end of the Thai league table brought in who would have done just as well as the few Thai players brought in at the time who never got near the first squad.
The sacking of Mark Hughes wasn't exactly managed well, and the less said about how Mancini got binned off the better.
I always felt like they soured on Mancini given his inability to keep his calm and started looking for a reason to boot him. The title in 2012 definitely gave him an extra year and then between falling far behind United, the Balotelli drama etc they had their reason.

The phrase "holistic approach" did a lot of work in the PR communications surrounding Mancini leaving. No coincidence that the next man up was a little more reserved in Pellegrini.
I always felt like they soured on Mancini given his inability to keep his calm and started looking for a reason to boot him. The title in 2012 definitely gave him an extra year and then between falling far behind United, the Balotelli drama etc they had their reason.

The phrase "holistic approach" did a lot of work in the PR communications surrounding Mancini leaving. No coincidence that the next man up was a little more reserved in Pellegrini.

Looking for a reason? Don't get me wrong, I liked Mancini, but they wouldn't have needed to look very far.
Sadly your right. Or in my case pay people to get things undone. Like when I helped someone who had fallen of a jet-ski...I went over to them on the one I had hired and bumped into theirs. A bit of plastic bounced off and then the owners raced out to us and stopped the hire about 10 minutes into the hour.
They wanted about £600. I told them didn't have it and the guy completely lost it. Another guy said someone was found knifed to death the other day after not paying him. I valued my life at more than £600 so got the money on a credit card and paid. It left a sour taste and put me off Koh Samui for good but when that sort of thing goes on what chance do the local honest hardworking people have. A lesson learned. It's actually a beautiful country and I hope that the people get an honest government and police force but as you say it'll take at least another decade. I sometimes wonder how corrupt the UK is but that's for another day I suppose.
Aside from the political issues, Thailand is one of the safest countries, I lived 5 years there, thai people are very kind and humble.
Nowhere’s perfect. In terms of development, Thailand has done pretty well. Good roads - though not everywhere - decent infrastructure, thriving middle class, enterprising people. Many countries are bedevilled by the fact they’ve been subjected to the ‘Glazer’ model of foreign influence - take them over, leech out the profits, load them with debt, invest the minimum - but the Thais have escaped the worst of that. Not saying there isn’t a darker side - where isn’t there one? - but they deserve respect for the positive aspects of their way of life imo and the picture in a lot of other places is gloomier.

I’ll always give props to Thaksin for the role he played in our journey. If he has been naughty he’s hardly unique in that in politics. We have corruption in the west and it creates issues for us too - except we call it lobbying, the revolving door, pay for play, bailouts, tax avoidance and subsidies for billionaires, and little chance of fixing it while we cloak it with euphemisms and explain it away.
England,most of Europe & the west is broken beyond repair.

There is hardly an institution that works efficiently.

The benefits system pays fit people for not working and doesn’t require them to do anything in return....this has bred generations of feckless,entitled degenerates.

Law and the justice system is largely accepting of many types of crime,which encourages more crime and a viscous circle of decline.

The immigration policy has been inappropriate for 50 years and the protection of our small island from (mainly) young men wearing designer trainers,leather jackets using mobile phones, landing on a 12 mile stretch of sand in small rubber boats having been tracked by drones,Coast guards and the Royal Navy,is almost beyond belief.

The UK population,Excluding thousands of illegals,many of whom are ‘ghosts’ having disappeared, is bigger than that of South Africa whose land mass is three times larger !!

Britain is a broken,lawless,dirty,over populated and disintegrating country.....and its live !!

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