Thames water

Companies in the ‘70s and ‘80s were run in a way that would be considered egregiously inefficient by their successors. The absence of digital technology meant that organisations generally were poorly run, relative to today.

To cite the way public authorities were run 40 years ago is intellectually dishonest in the absence of presenting similar comparables within the private sector.

In the course of my professional life I am required to interact with many public authorities. Where the lines of responsibility are clearly set out, in my experience those sectors of the public service are efficiently run. Technology has assisted greatly with this. The amount of people ‘on the sick’ in the public sector is a fucking outrage, but notwithstanding that, in my considerable and well-remunerated experience public sector departments are, in the main, very well run, considering the resources available.

I think it’s unfair to simplify the debate around public/private ownership simply around a reference point of British Rail pork pies in the ‘70s. And equally the water network.

I believe a publicly funded organisation, that is sufficiently resourced, could run the railways and water network far better than the cunts who are doing it now.

Happy for anyone to challenge that statement.
Your honour I object.

I challenge that statement that my learned friend has just made and I put it to the jury that he is wrong.

On what basis are you objecting Mr Mist.

Haven't a clue your honour, I've just always wanted to stand up and say it
The thing that people fail to grasp is that these privatised industries belonged to everyone.
This is not the case now.
The NHS is in the pricess of being sold off now. So can anyone tell me what we are paying taxes for?
They were paid for by generations of Tax payers and belonged to the people we now have the highest tax rate and the family silver has been sold off.

Parties, illicit activity in Downing Street and we pay their wages I don’t know what they do all day.
Companies in the ‘70s and ‘80s were run in a way that would be considered egregiously inefficient by their successors. The absence of digital technology meant that organisations generally were poorly run, relative to today.

To cite the way public authorities were run 40 years ago is intellectually dishonest in the absence of presenting similar comparables within the private sector.

In the course of my professional life I am required to interact with many public authorities. Where the lines of responsibility are clearly set out; in my experience those sectors of the public service are efficiently run. Technology has assisted greatly with this. The amount of people ‘on the sick’ in the public sector is a fucking outrage, but notwithstanding that, in my considerable and well-remunerated experience public sector departments are, in the main, very well run, considering the resources available.

I think it’s unfair to simplify the debate around public/private ownership simply around a reference point of British Rail pork pies in the ‘70s. And equally the water network.

I believe a publicly funded organisation, that is sufficiently resourced, could run the railways and water network far better than the cunts who are doing it now.

Happy for anyone to challenge that statement.
There was some research comparing Scottish water which is publicly owned with England. The result, in summary, was that there was little difference in management approach BUT Scottish water was cheaper because they reduced the price once over the hump of catching up on infrastructure. No such reduction in England, surprise surprise.
The big problem with the NHS and imo why it's being sold off is the pensions. A nurse can retire at 55. They paid 11% of their pay into the pension for 30 years and will likely live another 30 drawing 50% of their pay. The sums don't add up.

That's why you are paying your taxes. (One reason)

How many nurses actually retire at 55?

Why shouldn't a nurse be able to retire at a younger age when they worked shift patterns and carried out a far more stressful job than most of the rest of us?

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