That Banner (Merged)

Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

I'm happy for them do put this new banner up, because that one will be coming down in the next three years.

And as they won't be needing the old one City should offer to take it off their hands.

And if they do I want them to hang it in the most prominent part of the stadium, as testament to the supporters of this football club, and to remind ourselves of where we've come from.

And to serve as a permanent record of why we're better than them.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

what will they do when they run out of historical references?

as bad as their 'derby rivals' in another city entirely called liverpool

Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

jimmy blue shoes said:
They're going to change it to 43 years to signify how long it's been since we won the league.

No dignity the bitter red cnuts.

Obsessed with us!!! How the worm is turning.....

if it was a bird/bloke showing such obsessive tendencies to someone, you’d get a restraining order..... Maybe Wio should have a word with them!!
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

i want them to put it up.

stinks of desperation and bitterness.

the media will take the piss, and once again we can have a laugh at their expense and basically just show the world how OBSESSED they are with us.

even though apparently their not bothered about us.

city are here, were back.

deal with it.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

Proposition 2: Leave it at “35”, as a reminder

I kinda like this idea. A reminder for City that, were it not for the millions of corrupt pounds injected into them by a Middle Eastern consortium, they’d, in all probability, still be languishing in what was a purgatory of an existence. It may also remind them of a time of when they supposedly had that beloved moral high ground of theirs.

Blood money, corrupt pounds, goodness....obsessed much?<br /><br />-- Mon May 16, 2011 1:33 am --<br /><br /><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... r-banner/9</a>

I'm sorry but this article is just too funny for me not to mention, if anyone is wondering it showed up on the NewsNow Man City feed since the numpty tagged the article with "Man City" and "Manchester City."

Perhaps the best part:
Anyway, it’s over, £1 billion of blood money later and they’ve rendered the banner null and void. Or have they? There’s a big dilemma here about what to do with it now. Here are some ideas:

Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

Joga Bonito said:
Proposition 2: Leave it at “35”, as a reminder

I kinda like this idea. A reminder for City that, were it not for the millions of corrupt pounds injected into them by a Middle Eastern consortium, they’d, in all probability, still be languishing in what was a purgatory of an existence. It may also remind them of a time of when they supposedly had that beloved moral high ground of theirs.

Blood money, corrupt pounds, goodness....obsessed much?

-- Mon May 16, 2011 1:33 am --

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... r-banner/9</a>

I'm sorry but this article is just too funny for me not to mention, if anyone is wondering it showed up on the NewsNow Man City feed since the numpty tagged the article with "Man City" and "Manchester City."

Perhaps the best part:
Anyway, it’s over, £1 billion of blood money later and they’ve rendered the banner null and void. Or have they? There’s a big dilemma here about what to do with it now. Here are some ideas:


PMSL at Proposition 2... Oh the irony!!!

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