That Banner (Merged)

Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

If they do anything other than take it down, the rest of the world will see how truely classless they are.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

I'm starting to love the banner rather than hate it.

It's motivation for our players. They don't realize it, but they're actually helping us with this banner. The pain of not winning has gone after yesterday.

Imagine how epic it would be if we took the banner down twice in consecutive years. That would be popular City lore for a long time.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

its called desperation, the semi final finally confirmed to them that its over, we are here and they fucking know it.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

Blue Haze said:
I'm starting to love the banner rather than hate it.

It's motivation for our players. They don't realize it, but they're actually helping us with this banner. The pain of not winning has gone after yesterday.

Imagine how epic it would be if we took the banner down twice in consecutive years. That would be popular City lore for a long time.

Spot on, and it shows the world how bitter and obsessed they are. We know it, but I'm sure the wider footballing world doesn't. The look of devastation on the faces of the rags who stayed on to watch our game yesterday (to cheer Stoke on), when they realized we had won a trophy was just priceless. This despite them having just won their six millionth Premiership title, the sad, obsessed, plastic, numpties.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

The Pink Panther said:
or put our own up

37 > 35. YOU WIN
It hasn,t really bothered me but I actually quite like this idea
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

King-Dzeko said:
It's actually embarrassing how much reaction that banner has created amongst our support. When they put it up they must have thought "I hope this pisses them off and gets a reaction" and surprise, surpise, it's worked a treat. Never in their wildest dreams could they have dreamed of the reaction it has got. If we'd created a banner that they had highlighted for us that had took the piss out of them, we'd be jizzing our pants over it! Just ignore it, that will hurt them more. Creating our own 00 banner yesterday just admitted how much they'd got to us and probably delighted the bastards.

The future's ours.

The thing about the banner for me that gets me, isn't the rags...... but mufc. They endorse it. To me that is despicable.
City came to united's rescue when OT was bombed and played at Maine Road for 6 / 7 seasons. Again, when they hadn't got floodlights, City helped them out to able them to play European games.
And how do they repay that goodwill by their nearest neighbours? They endorse a mocking of the club.
When it was the 50th Munich anniversary, mufc took it down ''as a mark of respect'' in the expectation that City fans would be respectful during the minute silence. One week later the banner was back up - so if it was taken down out of respect, it was placed back up as a mark of disrespect.
To me, yesterday wasn't as much as saying to rag fans we have won something, but making our voice heard loudly to mufc that we won something and that is just the start........ there is a new order in town....... and it is BLUE.
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)


They are obviously shitting bricks due to the impending blue wave of success.

Let them get busy about our success it only endorses what is about to happen.

Sad Bastards.


3rd place is ours

Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

Really agree with so much that's been said,the banner has been a bone of contention but if the rags keep it up it only re-inforces how worried they are about us. It won't bother me at all if they choose to change it to reflect how long it has been since we were champions, I would simply rejoice in the reds insecurity.

Staying on the banner theme,we are the blues who own the "2011 THE WAIT IS OVER" banner which caused heated comments on this sight. To those of you who applauded my hubbies optimism THANK YOU, to one particular person whoes comments were vile WHERE ARE YOU NOW? i would love to hear your comments. The banner flew proudly at Wembley yesterday,was featured on Granada reports on friday and reflected my fellers faith in our team to succeed He can now add being present at another FA cup victory along side being at Newcastle,Vienna and every other cup winning game since 1965. Oh i forgot you believed we were new blues! Come on lets hear your comments now!
Re: That Banner is going nowhere. (yet)

Good news. Shows how desperate the red scum are. We've already ended the 35 years so now they've found something else. They really are clutching at straws.

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