Thatcher dead

RAWK has gone into meltdown, it's like Liverpool have won the league, champions league and fa cup while shitting on fergie's chest rolled into one over there.
Just cracked opened a beer to celebrate. Just wish my dad who was a miner had lived to see it.
The only good fascist is a dead fascist.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Coltrane said: an American who is unfamiliar with the inner-workings of the British political machine, could someone enlighten me as to why Margaret Thatcher stirs such disdain among so many?...
That's not entirely true most people down south think she is some sort of legend but she practically destroyed industry so that took out the North and Wales. She didn't rig 3 elections, so she obviously did something right. Growing up down south the only people I ever heard talk bad about her was my dad's side of the family

Because she smashed the radical, left wing communist unions who at the time were knowingly grinding this country into the dirt and making us the laughing stock of the world. You don't win 3 elections on the bounce if the majority of the people don't like you - and she did. Two of those elections were landslides for the Tories. People on here like to re-write history to suit there own agenda.
I also find it amazing how many people who were not even born when she was in power hate her. Work that one out.
RIP Lady Thatcher. I will continue to wank about you. These wanks may get more interesting now.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
jay_mcfc said:
And despite the hatred she received from mainly the north of the country, only now will the real truth come about about her links to the likes of Jimmy Savile and satanism.

This really is gonna be good. I expect the shit to really hit the fan months and years into her death just like Savile himself.

Oh wow you managed to shoe horn illuminati in to this thread, good work

It was you who made the leap from Savile to the illuminati.

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