Thatcher dead

tolmie's hairdoo said:
bobmcfc said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
State funeral.

Rightly so

Pretty sure a request was made to The Queen couple years back and she had no objections to it?

I doubt Argentina will send a delegation :)
'Galtieri took the Union Jack. And Maggie, over lunch one day took a cruiser with all hands, apparently to make him give it back'
As i understand, the main criticism directed towards her is that she privatized quite a lot of government functions. This is the same in every country though, the premier who privatizes stuff ends up with a lot of criticism and disdain even if it was better decision in the long term ( in India for example ) . Anyway, RIP
jay_mcfc said:
And despite the hatred she received from mainly the north of the country, only now will the real truth come about about her links to the likes of Jimmy Savile and satanism.

This really is gonna be good. I expect the shit to really hit the fan months and years into her death just like Savile himself.

Kris_Musampa said:
TGR said:
oldhamblue said:
produced a nation of illiterates :-)

Two words to all of the people enjoying her death on here:

Falkland Islands.

How many of you were wishing her dead then?
Without the courage she had they would have been back in the Argies hands after 2 weeks. Fact.

Er no....

If anything the Falklands saved her bacon, she used it as a tool to fluff up her re-election chances. the Argies never stood a chance, Thatcher or not.

Not entirely true.

They never stood a chance once she threatened to also go to war with France, the snidey cunts selling Exocet missiles on the sly.
R.I.P to one of the greatest we've had. Regardless of your opinion of her, she'll go down as one of our most iconic leaders.

Reserve your hatred for when that c|u|n|t Ferguson dies.
TGR said:
oldhamblue said:
TGR said:
RIP Mrs Thatcher.
The best PM that Britain has ever head.

produced a nation of illiterates :-)

Two words to all of the people enjoying her death on here:

Falkland Islands.

How many of you were wishing her dead then?
Without the courage she had they would have been back in the Argies hands after 2 weeks. Fact.

If she hadn't f*cked it up in the first place by pulling military resources away then we wouldn't have needed to get people killed winning it back. Also kept her in office. We also very nearly screwed that up and if it wasn't for the Yanks we would have. FACT.
jay_mcfc said:
And despite the hatred she received from mainly the north of the country, only now will the real truth come about about her links to the likes of Jimmy Savile and satanism.

This really is gonna be good. I expect the shit to really hit the fan months and years into her death just like Savile himself.

Oh wow you managed to shoe horn illuminati in to this thread, good work

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