Thatcher dead

pominoz said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
pominoz said:
Her father was active in local politics and the Methodist church, serving as an alderman and a local preacher, and brought up his daughter as a strict Methodist.

There's a clue.

A Lesbian then

No, brought up by a self made man (as far as i can tell), and thought that if he could do it,so should everyone else.
Life is not like that, most of it is down to the opportunities you are given, under her reign not many were given to "the likes of us".

You are so wrong and this is from someome who was born in Openshaw and dragged up in Collyhurst.
blueonblue said:
So lets give a little detail to the usual drivel from the left

1. She supported the retention of capital punishment

She reflected the wishes of the people then (and now) on this, it this was put to a referendum it would be returned. By who the right wing nutjobs?

2. She destroyed the country's manufacturing industry

The clean air act killed coal mining, containers the dockers jobs, wage costs & working practices made British products far more expensive and poorer quality, an it was the British union members who bought the jap cars and imported goods NOT HER.

The German continued to mine coal even when the price per tonne was far greater than hours, the difference being they developed ways in which to burn it safely and effeciently, and pretty much the same with the car industry.

3. She voted against the relaxation of divorce laws

Given the number of single parents and problem kids today it looks like she was proved right by time and results. I beg to differ on this she was by trade a solictor and protecting her own here

4. She abolished free milk for schoolchildren ("Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher")

Harold Wilson’s labour government removed free milk from all 11- to 18-year-olds in 1968, yet nobody vilified the then education secretary, Ted Short. Three years later the Heath administration took away milk from 7- to 11-year-olds in England, yet Margaret Thatcher was singled out for everlasting blame when she as Education Secretary removed free milk from primary schools in 1971............... "Labour milk snatcher"

Nobody really cares about this anymore

5. She supported more freedom for business (and look how that turned out)

Yes do indeed look at how that turned out, the turn around from near bankrupt to showing a surplus when labour came to power.

Yes she planted the seeds that ultimatley lead to the banking crisis we are still paying for now

6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration

Care to look at how many union members marched in support of Enoch Powell, another one branded by the liars of the left as a racist (Try reading the so called Rivers of blood speech and find one racist thing in it). again she reflected the peoples concerns on immigration and time proves her right.

As soon as you start to try and justify Enoch Power you let yourself down here. Only a screaming rightwing nutjob could possibly defend another.

7. She gerrymandered local authorities by forcing through council house sales, at the same time preventing councils from spending the money they got for selling houses on building new houses (spending on social housing dropped by 67% in her premiership)

The country was bankrupt, the only way was to pay off debt to bring down interest rates on our loans was to sell things, I notice labour did not spend our money building new homes, preferring to do vital things like gay rights for hamsters and ethnic classes for parrots.

Again we are still paying for this now with a massive housing shortage. Her right to buy scheme not only created a housing bubble it also left people bankrupt and out of there home when the recession hit.

8. She was responsible for 3.6 million unemployed - the highest figure and the highest proportion of the workforce in history and three times the previous government. Massaging of the figures means that the figure was closer to 5 million

She walked into a British industry dead on its feet and totally unable to compete on price or quality thanks to high wage costs and antiquated work practices, the unions can take far more blame along with progress.

Wrong she dumped people on benefits because it was cheaper than actually trying to get them to work properly thus creating the benefit culture that we are left with now. I am not saying that the unions were right but she only had one short termism plan dismantle destroy and leave the mess for someone else to sort out.

9. She ignored intelligence about Argentinian preparations for the invasion of the Falkland Islands and scrapped the only Royal Navy presence in the islands

That being an unarmed ice survey ship, whos job was able to be done far better thanks to satellites, Argentina had been making noises for years and it was hardly credible it would invade, its also far more understandable than faking intelligence to drag the country into a war.

A pointless war thousands killed done for what, so that she could proclaim to be some sort of Churchillian war hero.

10. The poll tax

Not only not repealed by labour in the 13 years they held power, but the highest are mostly in labour controlled area`s

Again defending the indefensible nutjob terrotary,

11. She presided over the closure of 150 coal mines; we are now crippled by the cost of energy, having to import expensive coal from abroad

The clean air act forced through by the labour party nailed the coal industry, and back then it was far cheaper to buy coal from Poland and ship it in than buy it from here.

Bollocks the Germans sorted it
Thatcher took the eay way out.

12. She compared her "fight" against the miners to the Falklands War

Maybe because she won both yet started neither.

Wrong Thatcher was a devisive individual revelled in confrontation

By now you should have a flavor of just how twisted from the truth the lefties will go, I could carry on but its far more use telling you to look things up for yourself.

Maggie Thatcher was honest, did what needed to be done for the sake of the country rather than pander to populist nonsense, and rescued this country from the brink, anyone says different go look up the facts for yourself........then tell them they are idiots.

Thatcher was a divisive inhumane individual who only aim in power was to dismantle and destroy everything in her path. She treated the economy like her fathers greengrocers business. Shen had non empathy for people and treated everyone the same and did not accept that some groups of people in life need more help than others.

But like all right wing nutjobs you are unable able to see the bigger picture and call people idiots just because we all don't peddle the same selfish ideals that your do.
Mike D said:
She treated the economy like her fathers greengrocers business.
Yes she did and that meant you couldn't spend what you hadn't earned and if you tried to sell poor quality goods at inflated prices, no one would buy them.

I would agree however that she seemed to be ideologically driven and if you didn't wholeheartedly buy into her view then she had little time for you. That was in some sense her greatest asset at the time but also her greatest weakness.
Just a quick question bit off topic of Thatcher is dead

Say Ed and Ed win the next election (more than likely) and say right we will renationalise power and rail. How do they go about that i.e price and making the owning companies sell?
BluePurgatory said:
pominoz said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
A Lesbian then

No, brought up by a self made man (as far as i can tell), and thought that if he could do it,so should everyone else.
Life is not like that, most of it is down to the opportunities you are given, under her reign not many were given to "the likes of us".

You are so wrong and this is from someome who was born in Openshaw and dragged up in Collyhurst.

Openshaw? You posh bastard.<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:06 pm --<br /><br />
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mike D said:
She treated the economy like her fathers greengrocers business.
Yes she did and that meant you couldn't spend what you hadn't earned and if you tried to sell poor quality goods at inflated prices, no one would buy them.

Very simplistic view of it's tenure, as well you know.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Just a quick question bit off topic of Thatcher is dead

Say Ed and Ed win the next election (more than likely) and say right we will renationalise power and rail. How do they go about that i.e price and making the owning companies sell?
They buy the shares in the same way Thaksin took over us and Sheikh Mansour bought it from him.
pominoz said:
BluePurgatory said:
pominoz said:
No, brought up by a self made man (as far as i can tell), and thought that if he could do it,so should everyone else.
Life is not like that, most of it is down to the opportunities you are given, under her reign not many were given to "the likes of us".

You are so wrong and this is from someome who was born in Openshaw and dragged up in Collyhurst.

Openshaw? You posh bastard.

Yep off Ashton Old Road good memories as a kid. A day out was playing on blackie brook (await the sarcie comments from the usual suspects)
Prestwich_Blue said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Just a quick question bit off topic of Thatcher is dead

Say Ed and Ed win the next election (more than likely) and say right we will renationalise power and rail. How do they go about that i.e price and making the owning companies sell?
They buy the shares in the same way Thaksin took over us and Sheikh Mansour bought it from him.
Wow so not cheap then!
pominoz said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Mike D said:
She treated the economy like her fathers greengrocers business.
Yes she did and that meant you couldn't spend what you hadn't earned and if you tried to sell poor quality goods at inflated prices, no one would buy them.

Very simplistic view of it's tenure, as well you know.
I don't know that at all. I've read her autobiography (probably unlike the vast majority on here) and that's a very condensed version of her philosophy. But certainly not a simplistic one.

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