Thatcher dead

mancityvstoke said:
crystal_mais said:
mancityvstoke said:
So you'd rather we sacked 7 workers and put them on the dole? Then pay the one left a low wage?

Your Dad had issues with Unions like my 89 year old Father still does and most probably rightly so back then BUT I assume your Dad had a steady well paying job (in a closed shop) so of course he had no issues.

Just remember that SOME people did NOT do well. Something most people are forgetting.

It's called process optimisation which should lead to efficiency savings. At that time these were nationalised industries which ultimately would have become too costly to run by the govt with little returns on the investment due to cost and quality.

Like I and a few others had mentioned earlier. If Thatcher didn't do it, the subsequent Labour or Conservative Governments would have had to have done it.

My mother ended up out of work and my father had to work hard to support us. We were all impacted. I spoke to him about it yesterday and his comments were although they were tough decisions that she made and my parents hated it at the time, they were ultimately the right decisions.

Call it whatever fancy term you like. It is wrong to shit on people in the name of profit.

Just my opinion like.

I can see where you are coming from, and I agree that unemployment is a terrible thing, however it could not have gone on like it was, I don't think people understand the magnitude of problems we faced , much of the world had moved on but we had not, it was certainley very difficult for everyone. But profit is the very nature of any buisiness (ultimately despite what they may say) and it is profit that drives private sector investment (ultimately)

It's a bit off topic, but the biggest problem all parties have faced is coming up with a sustainable solution for the North, the last government tried the easy way by expanding the public sector, and it was a good way of getting money back in the system and people in jobs, but it's not sustainable, we need radical solutions to revitalise, there is some hope on the horizon you can see that in the redevelopment of Manchester, but we need more much more to close the North south divide
Ducado said:
mancityvstoke said:
crystal_mais said:
It's called process optimisation which should lead to efficiency savings. At that time these were nationalised industries which ultimately would have become too costly to run by the govt with little returns on the investment due to cost and quality.

Like I and a few others had mentioned earlier. If Thatcher didn't do it, the subsequent Labour or Conservative Governments would have had to have done it.

My mother ended up out of work and my father had to work hard to support us. We were all impacted. I spoke to him about it yesterday and his comments were although they were tough decisions that she made and my parents hated it at the time, they were ultimately the right decisions.

Call it whatever fancy term you like. It is wrong to shit on people in the name of profit.

Just my opinion like.

I can see where you are coming from, and I agree that unemployment is a terrible thing, however it could not have gone on like it was, I don't think people understand the magnitude of problems we faced , much of the world had moved on but we had not, it was certainley very difficult for everyone. But profit is the very nature of any buisiness (ultimately despite what they may say) and it is profit that drives private sector investment (ultimately)

It's a bit off topic, but the biggest problem all parties have faced is coming up with a sustainable solution for the North, the last government tried the easy way by expanding the public sector, and it was a good way of getting money back in the system and people in jobs, but it's not sustainable, we need radical solutions to revitalise, there is some hope on the horizon you can see that in the redevelopment of Manchester, but we need more much more to close the North south divide

Probably needs it own thread Ducado

But I'm sure I read somewhere there are thoughts for building a technology hub here in the north near Manchester Airport. Encouraging alot more of the larger companies which are based in the Thames valley region to relocate or expand with larger sites up here.

Another topic of conversation could be the development of the East. Which is slowly pushing prices for manufacturing and services higher a people are starting to recognise their values over there. Are there opportuntities for development of manufacturing again, may need to lower min wage etc.

Anyway gotta get concentrating in this meeting<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:07 pm --<br /><br />
mancityvstoke said:
crystal_mais said:
mancityvstoke said:
Call it whatever fancy term you like. It is wrong to shit on people in the name of profit.

Just my opinion like.

One way at looking at it. It's hard but its the way the world is - why start a business if you can't make a profit.

Ultimately these industries would have ended up making substantial losses and would have led to bankrupcy - which ultimately may have brought the government to it's knees. People would have lost their jobs with no redundancy payments.

More threats in loss making businesses which go into administration

I's a tough system and flawed in my opinion. It may change one day.

I'll be dead and gone then though probably.

This thread is about Thatcher (ism) and I am only trying to balance things a bit saying that some did well and some didn't.

I don't care whether she is alive or dead. Her time as Prime Minister is long gone as is she now.

We have a new world to deal with and even tougher issues. It's a shame that poorer people always seem to suffer more.

I think it's the sign of the time.

The good thing about our great country is - we provide free education and opportunities for people to develop. It's then upto the individual.

I don't buy into the notion - jobs for boys that some socialists spout. There are always opportunities if you are willing to get your head down and work hard. But it takes years of graft, commitment and some level of personal sacrifice and risk taking

We have it good here. My parents are Indian origin - That's where there is a social stature culture
crystal_mais said:
Rascal said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Ship builders a bit like the papers.

The far east workers would have one man to cut and fit a port hole. The uk got.

1 guy to mark the hole.
another one to drill the template
another one would then come and cut the template using the drill guides
another one would then clean the opening so the port hole could be fitted
another one would come and fit the surround in the opening
another one would then rivet the hole
one would then come and fit the glass
finally another would come and inspect the work.

8 people doing the job of 1 on western wages compared to far east.

Oh and ship building was a closed shop to only jobs for the boys.

Reminds me of Banking.

A closed shop of Bullingdon boys

1 Banker invents a scam
1 banker sells the scam
1 banker buys the scam
1 banker sells the scam again
1 banker hides the money off shore
1 banker gives them all huge bonuses

All bankers then drink Champers in posh City of London bar

You make me laugh with some of the crap you spout

I try very hard to please :))<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:13 pm --<br /><br />
Ducado said:
It's a bit off topic, but the biggest problem all parties have faced is coming up with a sustainable solution for the North, the last government tried the easy way by expanding the public sector, and it was a good way of getting money back in the system and people in jobs, but it's not sustainable, we need radical solutions to revitalise, there is some hope on the horizon you can see that in the redevelopment of Manchester, but we need more much more to close the North south divide

As i have said before we should seek devolution and eventually seperation from the south and divide England from the Severn to the Wash and then we could have the Socialist Republic of Northern England. Manchester as its capital city and me as El Presidente
Rascal said:
crystal_mais said:
Rascal said:
Reminds me of Banking.

A closed shop of Bullingdon boys

1 Banker invents a scam
1 banker sells the scam
1 banker buys the scam
1 banker sells the scam again
1 banker hides the money off shore
1 banker gives them all huge bonuses

All bankers then drink Champers in posh City of London bar

You make me laugh with some of the crap you spout

I try very hard to please :))

-- Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:13 pm --

Ducado said:
It's a bit off topic, but the biggest problem all parties have faced is coming up with a sustainable solution for the North, the last government tried the easy way by expanding the public sector, and it was a good way of getting money back in the system and people in jobs, but it's not sustainable, we need radical solutions to revitalise, there is some hope on the horizon you can see that in the redevelopment of Manchester, but we need more much more to close the North south divide

As i have said before we should seek devolution and eventually seperation from the south and divide England from the Severn to the Wash and then we could have the Socialist Republic of Northern England. Manchester as its capital city and me as El Presidente

You can't even run the Cellar! Never mid your own country ;-)
mancityvstoke said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
8 people doing the job of 1 on western wages compared to far east.

Oh and ship building was a closed shop to only jobs for the boys.

I was 8 at the time of the miners strike so I do not have an opinion on the woman one way or another (as I saw no harm to my family because of her)

So you'd rather we sacked 7 workers and put them on the dole? Then pay the one left a low wage?

Your Dad had issues with Unions like my 89 year old Father still does and most probably rightly so back then BUT I assume your Dad had a steady well paying job (in a closed shop) so of course he had no issues.

Just remember that SOME people did NOT do well. Something most people are forgetting.

No I would not. I would have liked the ratio to be reversed. The uk ship builder is so great it takes 8 Far East workers to do his job. Not the other way around.
Ducado said:
You can't even run the Cellar! Never mid your own country ;-)

I wouldnt be running the country, i would just be head of state like i am on here ;)
What some of the pro Thatcher crowd need is some basic economics.

There is easily enough productivity and wealth in the world for everyone to be fed, roofed and to have a life of economic dignity.

However what has happened is since Thatcher came to power, and it would surely have happened without her as these things are decided at levels above mere prime ministers, is that the top 1 percent have got richer and richer. Levels of inequality similar to the 1920s have been reached.

The super rich generally save, as they can't spend all they earn. This saved money goes into assets like shares, 2nd houses etc causing bubbles in areas of the economy that are not productive. Eventually they crash taking the economy with them.

Were the money handed to the poorest, they would spend it all. Importantly they would spend it in the productive economy. More washing machines, more beer, more cheap cars. This in turn translates to more jobs. More spending and so on. In other words a vibrant economy.

What we have now is fear, an understandable desire for even the lowest paid to save money just in case they lose their jobs, while the super rich stash their cash away in the Cayman islands waiting for the next speculative bubble.
robbieh said:
What some of the pro Thatcher crowd need is some basic economics.

There is easily enough productivity and wealth in the world for everyone to be fed, roofed and to have a life of economic dignity.

However what has happened is since Thatcher came to power, and it would surely have happened without her as these things are decided at levels above mere prime ministers, is that the top 1 percent have got richer and richer. Levels of inequality similar to the 1920s have been reached.

The super rich generally save, as they can't spend all they earn. This saved money goes into assets like shares, 2nd houses etc causing bubbles in areas of the economy that are not productive. Eventually they crash taking the economy with them.

Were the money handed to the poorest, they would spend it all. Importantly they would spend it in the productive economy. More washing machines, more beer, more cheap cars. This in turn translates to more jobs. More spending and so on. In other words a vibrant economy.

What we have now is fear, an understandable desire for even the lowest paid to save money just in case they lose their jobs, while the super rich stash their cash away in the Cayman islands waiting for the next speculative bubble.

It's a nice idea but then all the rich paedophiles won't be able to fuck our kids. I say we take them now, I have a butter knife and a spoon, who's with me ?
Hamann Pineapple said:
Did Maggie actually defeat the IRA or is the fact that Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams are now political figures an example of her failure ?

She was the best recruiting tool the provisional IRA could ever have wished for.

Her handling of the hunger strike was like a call to arms.

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