Thatcher, The Falklands & Jimmy Saville

Rascal said:
A good post but do you not think Reaganomics influenced Thatcher and persuaded her the right thing to do was push through her far right agenda. The tax cutting agenda they started is arguably the reaon for todays financial meltdown
Thatcher was influenced by Friedman and Hayek. Mainly Hayek with touches of Friedman. In 1975, just after she became leader, Thatcher famously took out a copy of The Constitution of Liberty by Hayek at a meeting of the top ranks of the tories and said this is what we believe. However, much of what she did was also reactive to the situation she found herself in. Thatcherism wasn't some grand masterplan. Indeed, that's why I always say I'll never understand a Thatcherite. If you like what she believed you should hate what she did, if you like what she did you should hate what she believed. It was a reactionary muddle, pragmatically-directed half-baked ideology.

pauldominic said:
Sorry Skashion, but you must be wumming here.
Oh pray tell PD, why must I?
pauldominic said:
Rascal said:
Skashion said:
I really do have a soft spot for him. I wrote an essay on nuclear weapons and the end of the Cold War during university and the way people who worked with him described him was hilarious. My girlfriend on the other hand hated him because for some reason I did my reading and wrote my essays from 12 to about 4 in the morning, and I woke her up a few times laughing at him falling asleep during conferences, watching cartoons when he should have been reading briefings etc. A bit like a Balotelli in the White House. Any road, Reagan absolutely hated nuclear weapons. Hated them. He thought it was completely morally wrong that we could annihilate people so easily and so quickly. He wanted the world to disarm, and the reason he loved the Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars) is because he wanted everyone to be safe from them forever. He would have give the Russians the technology. I'm certain of it, had it worked of course. The bit that really made me laugh though, was when his advisers realised, shit, Reagan's serious about this. They thought he was playing a masterful bluff with the Russians but at Reykjavik they had a sudden 'oh fuck, he means it' moment. I've read it three or four times from different people, it's hilarious. You can visualise the reaction. You can see them shit themselves. That's why I have that soft spot for him. He actually had the balls, and enough of a heart, to want to do something great for the human race, to guarantee their safety from their own stupidity. I really like that about him. It doesn't atone for his other sins fully, but I believe Reagan had a heart. I also believe his stupidity means he's more blameless for his evils than Thatcher. I do not believe she had a heart. She was not a warm person at all. Reagan definitely had a warmth, a human touch, that Thatcher simply didn't.

A good post but do you not think Reaganomics influenced Thatcher and persuaded her the right thing to do was push through her far right agenda. The tax cutting agenda they started is arguably the reaon for todays financial meltdown

With due respect El-Presidente, can you provide a better analysis of your argument?
Fucking irony.
What a nice couple
So that's Thatcher Saville and Blair on the same thread.

If we could just get Scargill and the NRA we could be onto a winner.

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