The Album Review Club - Week #139 - (page 1815) - Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War Of The Worlds

To be fair, I think they are but even more so I think they purposely are.

They are grandstanding their education or smartness, as I tried to observe it's their University limerick-ing or whatever I wrote.............
And maybe they should be dinged for that if they're doing that on purpose, since they certainly aren't sending themselves up.
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Foxtrot, Foxtrot, Foxtrot, where to start ?
Nice review, Bill. Looks like we found a sweet spot for you there. With all the gushing praise I was expecting to see a 10 or at least a 9, so I was surprised by the 8. Still, that's bumped your average score up a bit.
(oh yes, I am tracking all sorts of averages and I think we'll have some "league tables" after 10 albums).

Thanks for the Mellotron videos, I'll have a watch of those later. Apart from a few basic guitar chords, I'm a bit of a musical dunce, but I do enjoy finding out about the different instruments used on records.

I just find this a little (more than a little) emote-less.
Not for the first time, you've hit the nail on the head there for me, Foggy. I like my songs to be about something, sung with passion and soul. It's probably explains my late introduction to music. Whilst everybody at school was listening to cold, soulless, throwaway pop driven by tinny keyboards and supported by comedy hairstyles, I was more into football and films and wondered what all the fuss was about.

I prefer Pink Floyd to Genesis, but neither are among my favourites, although I did enjoy some elements of Foxtrot.

You were doing ever so well, until your last 2 words.
Come on, I think we can all agree that Coldplay are about as useless as a handbrake in a canoe!
Foxtrot, Foxtrot, Foxtrot, where to start ?
I guess at the beginning. I like all the Gabriel prog albums, even Trespass, the one without Collins on drums. When this first came out the sound was lousy, cramming 50 minutes onto an LP meant a decrease in sound quality for us HiFi dweebs, 40 really is the max. But the later releases corrected this especially the re-mastered version.
As soon as I heard the beautiful mellotron intro in Watcher of The Skies, I was hooked. An amazing album, and in my opinion, Genesis' finest hour. The opening song, "Watcher of The Skies" is a bit of an odd track, (and reminds me of Ye's opener on The Yes Album, Yours Is No Disgrace in terms of the way itgallops along) but repeat listens unveil its true brilliance. Rutherfords work in this track is good, his bass riff is immediately catchy. Beautiful washes of mellotron and guitar give this song a lot of character, it stands out as one of Genesis' most adventurous (and rewarding) songs. "Get em Out By Friday" is another killer track with Gabriel playing different vocal roles and showcasing his versatile vocal style. Great organ work by Tony here. Can-Utility And The Coastliners is a great symphonic track that builds to a rich and breathtaking climax, Hackett and Banks' instruments weaving in and out of one another overtop a beautiful orchestral mellotron.
The real treat on this album is the albums centerpiece "Supper's Ready," this magnum opus travels through many different moods and reaches several awe inspiring climaxes. The song blends perfectly the emotion of Gabriel's performance and the power of the band supporting him. Many great parts in this song, and lots of lush instrumentals. Very melodic and rich, the composition flows perfectly through each musical motif. Some standout passages are Hackett's intense solo in the movement "Ikhnaton and Itsacon and Their Band of Merry Men", and Bank's crowning moment "Apocalypse in 9/8". Once the first movement is reprised, you WILL be in utter awe. This album is no less than a masterpiece of Prog and Im surprised it isnt mentioned much in the 10 greatest ever lists (as I think its better than any Pink Floyd album) , and an essential record for anyone who even remotely enjoys progressive music.
It is in most lists of the greatest prog rock albums. I think Rolling stone has it at 15 or something round that (and they are Yanks ffs) ;-). Thought it was just me that believe Floyd albums are overrated. Only time I felt myself nodding off was at their debut concert for wish you were here (maybe the alcohol and dry ice had something to do with it).
Nice review mate.
Nice review, Bill. Looks like we found a sweet spot for you there. With all the gushing praise I was expecting to see a 10 or at least a 9, so I was surprised by the 8. Still, that's bumped your average score up a bit.
(oh yes, I am tracking all sorts of averages and I think we'll have some "league tables" after 10 albums).

Thanks for the Mellotron videos, I'll have a watch of those later. Apart from a few basic guitar chords, I'm a bit of a musical dunce, but I do enjoy finding out about the different instruments used on records.

Not for the first time, you've hit the nail on the head there for me, Foggy. I like my songs to be about something, sung with passion and soul. It's probably explains my late introduction to music. Whilst everybody at school was listening to cold, soulless, throwaway pop driven by tinny keyboards and supported by comedy hairstyles, I was more into football and films and wondered what all the fuss was about.

I prefer Pink Floyd to Genesis, but neither are among my favourites, although I did enjoy some elements of Foxtrot.

Come on, I think we can all agree that Coldplay are about as useless as a handbrake in a canoe!
An 8's not to be sniffed at - Most artists would Kill Bill for an 8............
Nice review, Bill. Looks like we found a sweet spot for you there. With all the gushing praise I was expecting to see a 10 or at least a 9, so I was surprised by the 8. Still, that's bumped your average score up a bit.
(oh yes, I am tracking all sorts of averages and I think we'll have some "league tables" after 10 albums).

Thanks for the Mellotron videos, I'll have a watch of those later. Apart from a few basic guitar chords, I'm a bit of a musical dunce, but I do enjoy finding out about the different instruments used on records.

Not for the first time, you've hit the nail on the head there for me, Foggy. I like my songs to be about something, sung with passion and soul. It's probably explains my late introduction to music. Whilst everybody at school was listening to cold, soulless, throwaway pop driven by tinny keyboards and supported by comedy hairstyles, I was more into football and films and wondered what all the fuss was about.

I prefer Pink Floyd to Genesis, but neither are among my favourites, although I did enjoy some elements of Foxtrot.

Come on, I think we can all agree that Coldplay are about as useless as a handbrake in a canoe!
With respect, that's a massive assumption on your part.
I'm not a Coldplay fanboy, but I can at least acknowledge they have written some great tunes over the years.
And maybe they should be dinged for that if they're doing that on purpose, since they certainly aren't sending themselves up.
and if it was released today they might be 'dinged' for it or maybe not (their musical proficiency would also stand out like a sore thumb in todays market ). However in the UK of 1972 not so much. They were certainly not the only prog band who wrote lyrics that could be mocked. Never mind prog, have you looked at some of Led Zeppelins noodlings?

I realize I’m biased here. My adulation of the technically proficient and complex composition begins and ends with Rush
Why be so restrictive mate? That seems a little closed minded if you don't mind me saying. I really like the complexity of Beethoven but that Mahler gadge can fuck right off ;-)

I just find this a little (more than a little) emote-less.
Adele's new album is worth a listen

I get that you don't much care for the album but trying to persuade those of us that do of its demerits is surely a little futile.

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