The anti road cycling thread

It really doesn't it just shows that a percentage of people are either selfish or stupid and that's about it. It makes no difference whether they are travelling on legs or wheels of any number.

The only difference is if someone opens a thread on bad car drivers you don't tend to get a load of car drivers deflecting onto other road users. It's more yeah some people are twats or useless.

Cyclists tend to be far more sensitive to criticism for some reason. They take it very personally for some reason like its an insult to them as an individual

The funniest cyclists are those that quote the highway code, not the parts that relate to cyclists mind because as they know these are routinely ignored by a lot of cyclists.

It's basically people being people and reacting negatively to any criticism of 'their side' which is sad but not new.
And yet here you are giving your two pence :)

There's no harm in highlighting people's outdated, incorrect or even sometimes dangerous opinions on road use. Think of it as a public service we're providing. Honestly i'm just surprised "road tax" hasn't reared it's ugly head.
It really doesn't it just shows that a percentage of people are either selfish or stupid and that's about it. It makes no difference whether they are travelling on legs or wheels of any number.

The only difference is if someone opens a thread on bad car drivers you don't tend to get a load of car drivers deflecting onto other road users. It's more yeah some people are twats or useless.

Cyclists tend to be far more sensitive to criticism for some reason. They take it very personally for some reason like its an insult to them as an individual

The funniest cyclists are those that quote the highway code, not the parts that relate to cyclists mind because as they know these are routinely ignored by a lot of cyclists.

It's basically people being people and reacting negatively to any criticism of 'their side' which is sad but not new.
I think this might stem from a position of vulnerability compared to a motorist and 'senses' are heightened when you are atop yer saddle with cars passing. There's one point on roads where I am particularly aware and that is where you have a central refuge often with a green lane at the gutter with a white bike sign. I think the set up is to warn drivers that it isn't particularly a good idea to overtake the cyclist at this point. But there's more than a handful that do! And you can touch the car if you had a mind to as it passes!
And yet here you are giving your two pence :)

There's no harm in highlighting people's outdated, incorrect or even sometimes dangerous opinions on road use. Think of it as a public service we're providing. Honestly i'm just surprised "road tax" hasn't reared it's ugly head.

I am like I would on a car thread or a lorry one etc.. Or even a pedestrian thread for that matter. It's you that decided to post about car drivers ability when you know every road or pavement user has the ability to be a twat.

I have used pretty much everything on the road and I walk. I just ain't so insecure that criticism of any single group makes me so defensive.
I am like I would on a car thread or a lorry one etc.. Or even a pedestrian thread for that matter. It's you that decided to post about car drivers ability when you know every road or pavement user has the ability to be a twat.

I have used pretty much everything on the road and I walk. I just ain't so insecure that criticism of any single group makes me so defensive.
Wait... you're defending other road users from criticism from bike users in the same way cyclists, on a thread intended to criticise cyclists, defend cycling as a mode of transport from criticism.

Bite us we bite back. You're just doing the exact same thing except from the other side. What was your point again?

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