The anti road cycling thread

Cars and pedestrians should not share the same roads. Cars and horses shouldn't. Cars and donkeys. Cars and oxen. Cars and bicycles. Cars and tricycles. Cars and scooters. Etc etc.

Cars (and motobikes) are too dangerous. I don't know how people cycle these days. When I was young ot was grand cos there were far less cars.
Easy solution then. Get rid of the cars, and allow pedestrians, horses, donkey's, oxen, bicycles, tricycles, scooters and motorcycles to ride the roads in peace, harmony and safety.
The majority of drivers are so distracted by ICE/satnav/phones/unergonomic or overly complicated controls, or they are utterly reliant on car safety features that they forget the basics of actually driving their 2 tonne motorised metal boxes safely.
Agreed mate. Not a place I would like to be driving a bicycle.
Not on a single country lane it isn’t.
Either on a single country lane or a dual carriageway, you're supposed to overtake bikes at the exact same distance you would a car. 1.5 metres or 5 feet.

Most drivers see single file riders and overtake way too close. Two abrest discourages that sort of action. It's about safety, i'm sure wherever you are going isn't as important as the safety of another road user.
Thanks for your attempt to win the most idiotic post of the year.

It is only Feb and you have set a high standard. well done kidda
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You’re in for a rough if a picture of a cyclist has triggered you

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