The are we allowed the "it's quiet" thread yet? thread.

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I'm thinking a Barca player most likely Neymar as they need the funds for the stadium re-build.
Pretty sure I read a post on here that said summat to do with incoming money to outgoing money at Barca.
Has to be at 55% and it's well above,said one of the front 3 would be gone this summer.......Suarez?
Not 100% sure...anyone remember posting that?
Can I remind eveyone a bid going in is a lot different to a offer being accepted. The only saving grace is I imagine that the player has shown a strong interest in joining us. I only see it as Pogba or Suarez, my hitch is Pogba as I don't know why Suarez would one, come back to the Premiership and two leave Barca. So please let's not forget to keep the pitch forks away if this deal goes tits up, it's great info we get of Tolmie and Zin and I for one appreciate it.

Pretty sure I read a post on here that said summat to do with incoming money to outgoing money at Barca.
Has to be at 55% and it's well above,said one of the front 3 would be gone this summer.......Suarez?
Not 100% sure...anyone remember posting that?
Don't think that's too much of an issue anymore seeing as Nike are giving them over £100m a year now
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Kane. Our attacking play in Pellegrini's first season was the best I've seen it and much of that was down to the partnership of Aguero and Negredo IMO. I see Kane and Negredo as very similar players, so that partnership has potential.
Postcard is the clue.

Okay a postcard is sent through the mail.

Mail = Male.

It's a man.

There we have a start.

Narrows it down.
Can't see Suarez as he has already stated he wouldn't play for anyone in England besides the dippers. I think it's Sanchez
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