The Athletic Renewal

I'm sure City did the same to me, automatically renewing my old man's membership for this season when I'd only registered him on the last day of last season on the very small off chance of bagging him a ticket for the Villa game on the OS

I don't really mind if it's City, i still have the mindset from the old days that my tiny contribution is somehow helping them out

Gorton was the poster I quoted that you were quick to defend.

It wasn't a random town name.

Maybe you should take heed of your first reply and let people have their own opinions as well tbh.

all this because of a 'wow' lol
Gorton was the poster I quoted that you were quick to defend.

It wasn't a random town name.

Maybe you should take heed of your first reply and let people have their own opinions as well tbh.

all this because of a 'wow' lol
You’re allowed to have your own opinion. You weren’t allowing others to have theirs.

Quoting half a username out of context will always end up on confusion, however much it makes sense in your head.
You’re allowed to have your own opinion. You weren’t allowing others to have theirs.

Quoting half a username out of context will always end up on confusion, however much it makes sense in your head.
by saying Wow I stopped him from having an opinion?

That is very interesting

So you sticking your oar in, isn't that then stopping me from having my own?

Quite possibly even worse as you haven't stopped going on about it ever since, you know, like you always feel the need to do.

I called you Gorton as you replied as if you were Gorton, it really is quite simple, maybe you should just slow down and stop the need to be a smart arse in every single back and forth.

Anyway, back to work for me, enjoy the thread, it is over for me.

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