The British Monarchy

They have little or no power in our democratic system more is the pity. There are currently no checks and balances when you get a venal individual voted in by their venal party. I would have trusted the queen to do what was right for the country over every prime minister of the last 50 odd years. Too much power rests with one party in this country.
First past the post needs ditched asap.
What system would you replace it with?
This is the nation which voted for brexit after all.
I don't really see the difference?

If you live your life in the public eye you invite public criticism as well as public praise (even if that public role is done as a bland opinion free persona).

I don't think many people admire the celebrating chippy owner or celtic fans, but you have to take the rough with the smooth.
If you live your life in the public eye you invite public criticism as well as public praise (even if that public role is done as a bland opinion free persona).

I don't think many people admire the celebrating chippy owner or celtic fans, but you have to take the rough with the smooth.
So things like the Celtic fans banner and chants are the rough and that's acceptable to you?
There you have it.
That’s monarchy for you. Next in line as head of state is pre-ordained, if something happens out of the ordinary ( that the system running the show doesn’t like or agree with perhaps), you have a limited pool to pull from.

Here in The Republic, I’m second in line for the position of head of state. In fairness, so is any other citizen over 30 years of age that has an inclination to throw their hat in the ring.

So in theory I could be the next Uachtaran na hEireann.

A little respect if you please.
You have as much of a realistic chance of being head of state as I do being the king of England ie none.
I don't know 11 blokes who kick a ball arround in East Manchester every two weeks, but I have a very strong afinity to them. I also cried when another bloke I don't know scored a goal on 93.20. Never met the chap, bizarre isn't it. ?
I feel the same. Why? Because I was raised in the shadow of Maine Road. Because I love the spectacle of the game. Because my earliest heroes were Doyle and Tueart and Barnes. Because I walked down Claremont Road with my grandad and a sea of blue. What is the difference? The players and my team produce something - spectacle, entertainment, rivalry, tribalism, heroism and an affinity with my ancestors, all of whom were blue. I mean no disrespect to the Queen but I simply do not know what she did.
Would you like people publicly slagging your mum when she dies. The answer to that question is clearly no. You would want them to pay respect or at the very minimum stay silent, why is that so hard for you and others to do?
I have not heard anyone directly criticise the Queen. She is also only the mother of four children, not an entire nation.
Manchester City are a choice. I can walk away any time and never give them another penny.

But is true that human beings are not rational but are often - too often - driven by emotion. This is precisely how we got Brexit. It's also how certain deeply unpleasant regimes rose to power in the past - I think they called it The Triumph of The Will.

Emotion in public life is not a good thing. It is a tool the ruling class uses to manipulate the suckers - us. Government should (ideally) be based on what is rational and logical. Emotion butters no bread, sells no exports, fails to deliver justice, etc., etc. In short, a good government would be less about flag-waving and more about the delivery of quality public services, effective law and order, and the securing of advantageous treaties and trading arrangements. (As opposed to destroying them for irrational reasons.)

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