The British Monarchy

I can never understand how people worship (and bow down before) mere mortals. Or in some cases are willing to die for them, as in the case of 'Bonnie' Prince Charlie. (Who was actually a complete waste of space.)

Show me someone who doesn't shit, piss and shag like the rest of us, and I might be impressed.

But I think that is the thing - you either get it or you don't. Neither side can comprehend the other.
Like Brexit :)
I can never understand how people worship (and bow down before) mere mortals. Or in some cases are willing to die for them, as in the case of 'Bonnie' Prince Charlie. (Who was actually a complete waste of space.)

Show me someone who doesn't shit, piss and shag like the rest of us, and I might be impressed.

But I think that is the thing - you either get it or you don't. Neither side can comprehend the other.
I always thought the queen employed a footman to do all of that for her.
I think referenda have proven themselves to be not the best of ideas. If enough people felt strongly enough about it, one of the parties could include it in their manifesto at the next election and then we could see if they get into power on the basis of abolishment of the monarchy.
Yeah, how many will vote on what the main issues are about having a monarchy compared to being a republic, or are they gonna place their vote according to what folk have printed and televised about the Duke of York (is he still the DoY, or is he just Andy Windsor?
She could get mauled by a tiger and limp home with her arm hanging off and the official Buckingham Palace statement would be "She's fine. That? That's a mild flesh wound. She's fine."

She probably is fine, mind you, but nobody is going to take the Palace's word for it. Crystal Palace would be a more likely source of accurate information on the Queen's health.

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