The British Monarchy

As a life long republican I will say monarchy will never end in this country, much as I don't care for it. Does it keep me awake at night? No. If it does or does not end will it make one jot of difference to my day to day life? No.
They are irrelevant to me. Surprised so many find them relevent to their lives.
Versaille million of visitors, no Royals
Nonesense to suggest the Royal Family themselves attract tourists. The pomp and ceremony, the buildings etc do. Unless Charles has been offering VIP behind the scenes visits to truck loads of tourists, I doubt any get even close to seeing any of the family...

It’s impossible to compare and draw any conclusions. Lego land is great example that attracts loads of visitors it isn’t considered the reason people got to the area, it’s an attraction when you are there versus being the reason people go to the region. People will visit Paris for Disneyland the Eiffel Tower, because it’s the city of love, food, or just stopping over whilst passing through - and then may take in Versailles or whatever why they are there.

Let’s be honest why would anyone want to go to London? it’s a fucking overpriced shit hole, they talk weird and the food is shite. Anyway I must dash I’m actually heading to London for the weekend ;)
I can never understand how people worship (and bow down before) mere mortals. Or in some cases are willing to die for them, as in the case of 'Bonnie' Prince Charlie. (Who was actually a complete waste of space.)

Show me someone who doesn't shit, piss and shag like the rest of us, and I might be impressed.

But I think that is the thing - you either get it or you don't. Neither side can comprehend the other.

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